If it's not eyedol then who is it?

I guess it depends on what we mean by female character. Riptor’s gender is essentially invisible, and Hisako doesn’t really have mannerisms like Aria does that help paint her as female.

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Riptor is confirmed to be female, just like Wulf is male.

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I know, but you missed my point. Her gender isn’t on display as a character.

Cheerleader outfit is leading to female…

You can’t be serious.

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So? Neither Wulf nor Glacius have their genitals flopping around and everyone can easily say they are male.


hehe floppy glacius genitals. now my head cant stop creating amazingly horrifying images from deep within my subconscious


Which is why I said it depends on what gender actually means to you when referring to a character. To me, the only female characters in the game are Orchid, Sadira, Kim, Maya, and Mira. I don’t count Aria, Hisako, or Riptor as female characters even though though they are characters that happen to be female. There’s a very specific definition that I’m going by.

Maybe the opposite would make things clear. When I think “female character” it is kind of the opposite of “dude character” in my mind. And to me, the “dude characters” are Jago, TJ, and Tusk. No one else counts.

why not specify human then? sounds like that would make things clearer

Thanks, that’s what I was getting at but didn’t know how to put it. Because some characters like Kan Ra can be technically described as human, but visually he looks more like a creature and Tusk looks like a normal human despite them both living for thousands of years. I think my point is that I highly doubt we will see another semi-normalish human female character this season. I think if there is another female then it is going to be a creature.

It’ll probably look like this

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lmao please tell me this is real that look cool and disturbing considering the context ha

makes me glad glacius is inside a shell like suit instead of having everythings flop around like humans.

Somewhere between the broad looking hips, smooth thighs, and “bush” retro wulf looks a little feminine below the belt. But yeah we know he’s a man.

It’s a glass mushroom for lawns… There a similar looking shrooms though.

S1 ended with fulgore, S2 ended with cinder (or aria, however you look at it). These are ultratech experiments and originally eyedol was part of an experiment of UT so perhaps S3 will end with eyedol. It could be that eyedol is aria’s “trump card” (I.E. last resort) against gargos.

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im glad you didnt show a picture of the blood tears mushroom. now that would be scary

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What’s going on this thre… Wat…

We need a moderator here.

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