I reach promotion 3 consecutives times.... in one day but then

Part of the problem is this isn’t true. It is easy for lots of people because you can be paired against a gold tier fighter at the bottom of your rung and get a free win and breeze on through. While the guy next to you gets ITAMaster and gets sent back a rung. If getting to Killer is too easy that is a totally separate problem and having a RNG match elevated to importance for no reason at all doesn’t do anything to address this.

I suppose one way they might be able to fix the issue would be to make the search parameters exceptionally strict on the promotional fights…like have the game search for a player that has a high rank on Gold…it takes 1,000 points to get through Gold right? Sorry, it’s been a few months, I’m having trouble remembering… Just have the game search for someone that has over 800 points in Gold, or for Killers someone that has less than 200 points. It would still be random to a degree, especially at the first of the month after the Killer rank reset, and the search times would likely be atrocious, but for the most part it would eliminate the issue of having one player fight a brand new Gold player and the next fighting ItaMaster.

Yes. The danger is that you won’t find a match, but it could be done that way.

Poor ITAmaster, nobody wants to play with him :sob:

I’m scared every time I fight against him

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The few times I’ve played against him have actually been rather enjoyable, although the last time was a couple of months ago when I was making a push for a pro star. He ended up being my very first match of the month.

I guess that’s just me then. I’ve fought pro star players and would win on some occasions, some I got dominated and some I nearly won.

I’m the type of person who demands the best no matter how hard it is because I know I could be at that level if I tried harder and practiced more, so for me it’s a nice evaluator. But, I suppose it isn’t fair for everyone considering it can be one of the tournament pros you face off against.

I hope one day I get to fight Robelo though.

I just think you are salty

I requalify every month with a different character (Just for fun).

I made it with Mira, I suffered because I didn’t understand how to user her, but it only takes determination and good luck sometimes…

First time I reached Killer, in my promotional match my opponent left (I guess a connection error) so I reached Killer!!! Pure Skill !!! :sunglasses:

Well, a lot of what you are talking about is a deeper discussion about why you play, what your rank means and what it doesn’t mean etc. and I think if you asked me whether making it to Killer was particularly meaningful, we would agree that it isn’t. The only question here is whether the penalty for losing your promotion makes sense. And for me it fails all criteria:

Is it fair? No
Is it fun? No
Does it make achieving Killer harder? No, just randomly longer for some people.

Fair enough. Just me then.

Especially when you consider that when I qualified into Killer, it was against a low skilled Qualifier. It was sort of sad, as I was expecting the battle of a life time.

When we had to requalify back in April, I qualified into Gold and it took me half a day to get back to Killer. When I reached Killer, I lost almost every match because I was only fighting 5star giants… It was the most heart breaking experience my poor Sadira went through.

Entiendo a lo que te refieres, me ha pasado un par de veces y con vida ocupada para que quieres… entiendo bien la frustracion. Ojala lo mejoren y no hay porque discutir, muchos aqui deben ser adolescentes que tienen todo el dia libre si algun dia quieres unos matches agregame Eltony88de, soy de mexico Saludos