I forgot why I stopped playing this game online

I used to play a lot online in season one, everyone sucked and I was able to hold my own with my man Glacius. By season 2 I gave up on ranked/exhibition because I just couldn’t compete, the more complicated the game got the farther behind I fell. I stuck with solo play and social matches with my other low-skilled friends because online was just filled with savages and a-holes. I love Killer Instinct and I have most of my life so I’ve stuck with it and have dumped more money than I probably should have into it, I’ve stayed active and been a part of the community and supported the game despite being a scrub.

Today I got Shago early and I’ve been playing him all night long, I started working on his achievements and after a while that led me to playing some ranked in hopes of nabbing one of them. Long story short, that was a bad idea. My lowly silver assed Shadow Jago got bodied by a Killer rank “C88” clan member who obliterated me and then proceeded to teabag my low-level carcass for sport.

Sorry to whine but honestly I may never touch online play in this game again with a ten-foot pole. Sometimes I wonder why I keep paying out the butt and persisting on being a fanboy of a game that I’m incapable of enjoying in its entirety due to lack of skill and an unsavory player-base.

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The best suggestion I can give to you is trying the Shadow lab more often. Most of these shadows have the personality of their players just not as adaptive which makes it easier for you to understand their play style and more of the game itself. This was my strategy and occasionally I will play online and manage to win games now. Hope this could help you.


Shadows will also teabag though, it’s pretty hilarious that you can teach them that.


True Lol but I’m better than that…I think.

I do play the lab quite often actually, that is about the closest to online play as I’m prepared to handle.

lol you got Shago early and had about a days practice and thought you would rek people on rank where they have been practicing their same character for months? Am a Killer ranked player and I know I would have a tough time getting wins. You don’t just dominate with a new character you are getting used to.

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[quote=“CRIS178, post:6, topic:3080, full:true”]
lol you got Shago early and had about a days practice and thought you would rek people on rank where they have been practicing their same character for months? Am a Killer ranked player and I know I would have a tough time getting wins. You don’t just dominate with a new character you are getting used to.
[/quote]Actually no, I didn’t intend to “REK” anyone. If you think that is the case you’re sorely mistaken. What I expected was to play against someone of a similar skill level so I could enjoy a few games and try to get some achievements. Please don’t jump to conclusions because you couldn’t have been more wrong about my intentions.

As I said in my OP, I suck at this game. The last thing on my mind was going online and trying to get an edge over anyone else. :\

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Honestly if you plan on getting anywhere in a ranked fighting game you have to be prepared to lose… A lot. That’s how it works. I was able to work my way to gold and now I’m getting my ■■■■ rocked because I am fighting people that use a different style with characters than I’m used to. It happens. The best players weren’t the best over night. It gets frustrating and sucks but you have to stick through it if you ever want to get better.


Oh trust me I know, that’s why I have avoided it for so long. I guess I had forgotten and didn’t expect my first dip back in to be with the fat kid who pees in it and ruins your day at the pool. I know what ranked is all about, honestly if I could get my achievements another way I’d never play it, ever.

This wasn’t about me loosing, I loose all the time. It was just a little bit of insight from a “casual” player who is on the outside looking in when it comes to the higher-level play of this game. The fighting game community in general seems quite hostile and treats their lessors pretty lousily.

The first big mistake is your attitude (Please don’t think I’m being rude). Sure, teabaggers and taunters are everywhere, I haven’t found many that do it but a fair few have. When you get on Ranked, you should expect to lose some if not many of your matches, but you get experience, you learn timing, you learn strategies. To say you stopped playing Ranked because you were getting beaten by high ranked Killers and people teabagging is ridiculous. You know how many of us deal with by just putting our heads straight and focusing on what we did wrong? Patience is a virtue for a reason, you will get beaten and at the end of it you just have to say GGs and think about what you can do different.
Sorry for tiny wall of text.

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[quote=“DoobyDude23, post:10, topic:3080, full:true”]The first big mistake is your attitude (Please don’t think I’m being rude). Sure, teabaggers and taunters are everywhere, I haven’t found many that do it but a fair few have. When you get on Ranked, you should expect to lose some if not many of your matches, but you get experience, you learn timing, you learn strategies. To say you stopped playing Ranked because you were getting beaten by high ranked Killers and people teabagging is ridiculous. You know how many of us deal with by just putting our heads straight and focusing on what we did wrong? Patience is a virtue for a reason, you will get beaten and at the end of it you just have to say GGs and think about what you can do different.
Sorry for tiny wall of text.

I do expect to loose, I loose all the time. As I said I reached my peak and after two years of playing this game I haven’t improved farther. I’ve accepted that I’m not going to be winning any tournaments in my lifetime, I’ve spent days in training trying to figure out how to manual and I sure as heck can’t do it, I’ve accepted that and I’m okay with it. I’m as good as I’m going to be and that’s cool.

What irks me though is going online hoping to play some equally skilled players in hopes of getting a few achievements to finish off my collection and being met with high ranking jerks that know you suck and abuse you then top it off with trash talk and teabagging. You’d think beating someone’s face in to the point that they can’t even fight back would be enough, but no you encounter loosers like that more often than not. This wasn’t about me quitting because of some jerks, it was about how I had already quit due to a lack of skill and was brutally reminded of why I quit so long ago.

Trust me, I’ve put my time in, I’m fine with loosing. I’m even fine with being bodied by top-level players but this genre seems to treat the crap players worse than any other community that I’ve taken part in. If you think this post is about loosing and being butthurt about it, you’re wrong. It’s about the way players online treat each other, it’s a toxic mess and frankly if there weren’t achievements that had a mandatory online requirement I’d avoid it completely.

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Fair enough, maybe you’ve faced a lot more annoying players than I have. I don’t think this is the worst community in terms of treating lower-level players. Most Killers I’ve played against just want to finish their match like I do, learn and move on. If I could play against you, maybe I’d have a better idea of whether you can or cannot improve, but I have a garbage connection so the lag would make it had to figure out. Thanks to the system of the game, you can vary your gameplay so much that you can put some fear into your opponent.
Basically what I’m trying to say is don’t give up on Ranked. Take 5 minutes to refocus your anger to beating the Killer who beat you.

Yeah sorry to vent, I just get frustrated sometimes. Being really into this game and trying to participate with the community while being unskilled and “casual” is really difficult.

No worries man, a lot of us are here to help. I know exactly how you feel.

The guys that teabag and taunt like crazy aren’t the top players, aside from Paul B I’ve never met a decent player that does it, it’s the middle level guys that are slightly above average that do it. The KI top players are infinitely more welcoming to lower level players than any other fighting game community. Ask a top Marvel player for a set, you either won’t get it or be made to pay for it. Ask a top KI player for a set and they’ll invite you to play on their stream.


I refuse to believe that ‘you suck’ and have reached the peak of your game. I don’t know ho many times I thought that and I’m still improving and I’m actually pretty decent these days. I’m sure you can get better at it, if you love the game. You will learn tricks in every matchup and they can make a big difference. Maybe Glacius isn’t the character for you, he is hard to use properly

On the behaviour of the online warriors, it sucks, I know. There are a lot of a-holes out there. Try not to let them get to you, bro. That kind of behavior only tells something about them, not you.

You can try to get some matches in with people from these forums or go online and friend the friendly players. You can add me if you want: TimelessVisions. I like to help people level up. I am in the EU, tho so I don’t know if our online times will overlap.

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Leave it to C88 members to drive people AWAY from the game due to their attitude online… Not all of them may be like that, sure, but every last 1 I’ve ever fought online has been an arrogant jerk thus far. :unamused:


If I had to guess, the guy who beat you had just lost ten in a row and was desperate to beat somebody, anybody. Either that or he was annoyed that you played him well when he expected to walk away with a perfect.

I don’t know why people are such jerks. KI isn’t the worst for this, but it isn’t the best either. People will have all kinds of advice for you. I think you know better than any of us what your skill level is. I get sick of hearing “what, it’s just a FADC with a one frame link to DP super? Anyone can do it.” No, anyone can’t do it. I have put in lots of practice time on manuals and I can only land a light manual after a heavy linker and even then I drop it half the time in practice. And, honestly, I just don’t want to work that hard to play a game.

There are a few threads on ranked mode. The bottom line is that not enough people are playing ranked to get consistently competitive match ups for lower tier players. That sucks, but nothing can be done about it except trying to encourage people to play more ranked. Ironically, if you drop out after your bad experience it actually makes the problem worse.

Having said that, you should play the game in a way that is fun for you. It’s supposed to be fun. Play exhibition until you find similarly skilled player and then add a friend. Build a pool of friends and search them out. Feel free to add me. I’m a “faux” Killer who got in early and loses 2/3 of my killer matches. Frankly, I want to play more with the rest of the cast and if I’m around I won’t turn down a match request in the few hours a night I can find time to play.

You already know all of this. But if it makes you feel better, I’m having a similar experience with battlefront. I love Star Wars, and for a few days the game was drowning in new players and kids so my decent gaming skills were putting me up on the leader boards with a good K/D ratio and I was having tons of fun. Now, I get in and everyone but me is max level, sniping from across the board because they memorized every maps spawn locations and I’m getting creamed. I want to keep playing but it’s tough to deal with the sustained frustration. And I know I’m good at games. Probably in the top 10% of people who bought the game. Just not as good as the top 5% who happen to be the ones who are always playing. I know I can get better with practice but after a full day of work, getting the kids to bed etc. I have maybe an hour a night to play if I’m lucky and nothing in the house needs fixing. So I’m not going to compete with these kids who are on for 6-12 hours a day every single day. Ever. That’s just life. Some days that’s easier to accept than others.


Aren’t there high ranking C88 members on this forum to whom this issue can be addressed? This may be a poor judgment call, but I wouldn’t want a poor sportsman who teabags and taunts everyone and tries to purposely troll to represent a collective I was apart of, let alone overseeing.

It’s one thing to return fire when that stray TJ does that weird scoot thing, or some troll wants to get under your skin. That’s just desserts. It’s another when it’s your only intent to go from match to match trying to ruin everyone’s good time and trying to be universally despised. I wouldn’t want someone like that trying to represent me.

Then again, it’s not like the C88’s can stop people from changing their gamertag to have the C88 in it and misrepresenting themselves as group members either, when they may not be in truth.

I feel you man… there are some reall A-holes on ranked and exhibition. Its very frustrating to say the least. But I try to keep at it… I dont play ranked everyday…or every week…but i do try to get on there when I feel Im playing well and in a good mood.

If you ever want to play someone that is fair, and will take turns with different characters, ect…hit me up…I’m usually on from 7pm -10pm central time