How to win with/against Hisako! Advice post

You’ll just have to get that timing down. Remember that Hisako has the ability to delay her auto doubles. When she does it, that’ll be a good opportunity to see what you’ll have to break.

What can i do against a Hisako that uses a lot her teleport? I am a Gargos.

Hit her.

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When’s she teleporting? As a reaction to portal punch or something? Hisako’s teleport is super unsafe - if she does it in neutral you should have more than enough time to just punch her in the face.

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I use Cr.Lp then my command grab and it works. Thanks.

Combo, hard knockdown, use descent for meaty timing, hit confirm with MK into a combo, rinse repeat. It’s a very good (and highly annoying) punish for players or characters that have crap wakeup.

Interesting. I haven’t seen any specific meaty setups built around descent (save for anti-last breath stuff). What are the timings on it, and how do you have to modify them for the different ender levels of influence? They each knock down for slightly different lengths of time, which has frustrated some attempts to find consistently tight meaties.

Is there a consistent timing mechanism you’re using, or is it a set up done more by “feel”?

Well, it requires a hard knockdown so I guess that’s part of the setup. And it requires an ender level high enough to keep your opponent grounded during the time it takes for you to get behind them and be able to start an attack on their wakeup (so like a level two or three ender?). Think of it as a reverse cross up I guess lol.

Honestly though this really only works consistently on characters or players with absolute crap wakeup so it’s not something I really even try unless it works more than once or twice. I’ve been called about every name in the book for doing it but honestly if you can’t defend against something like that at all then you deserve every hit you take from it lol.