Biggest tip to beating Hisako is to abuse her on her wakeup. She’s really, really terrible once she’s been knocked down, so use that to your advantage and make her pay every time you knock her down. Don’t be predictable in your oki, but do be disrespectful - do things that will make the Sako player say “I can’t believe he just went for that.” And then use that frustration to do other things that she probably could have handled, if only she weren’t salty about the last bit of nonsense you just pulled.
And then the Hisako wrecks you immediately after right? I am learning some things after fighting you. I figured some stuff out. Now to apply it. I will test it once I have the chance and we can have a rematch. Basically figure out the shenanigans and stay offensive right?
Pretty much. She’s good in neutral and very good once she’s knocked you down, but she has a much harder time when being pressured on her own wakeup. Especially if you have pressure options involving meaty projectiles.
And is that my shenanigans or yours? Hisako’s shenanigans are pretty variable, so “figuring them out” largely resolves into making a guess and hoping you’re right.
Both. You said something about once I adapt to them,I can beat you. I am working on that like crazy but hard to do without something like SFV’s amazing training mode. I got some new mixups thou. Too many I can’t decide which to use D:
Baiting counter attempts with bluffed crossups has always proven really effective for me against many Hisako players. Especially so on wakeup
Shout-outs to @Marbledecker for hosting this up on his youtube!
So a lot of times people ask “what do you mean when you say ‘disrespect’ Hisako?” This video answers that question. To disrespect her means to punch her in the face even though she can counter it, to bully her on her wakeup and pressure her into making bad decisions. Above all, it means to not be afraid of counter.
This isn’t high-level Jago or Hisako play by any means, but it does do a good job illustrating just how much you can bully the ghost girl once she’s been knocked down. And the important part is, even if I had been countered at some point, I still would have gone in as aggressively as I did.
Disrespect Hisako. Bully her. That’s how you beat her.
“Bully” might not be the best word to describe this. True you can abuse the wake up but, the problem is again variety in play style. For example my Hisako is all about shock and awe, a pretty basic play style that combines both her ridiculous forward dash, Decent teleport, and wall jump to get in close up and personal right away. Its effectiveness can only go so far as this strategy works on zoning characters (like Glacius) but not on close range characters (like Jago, Mira, Aganos, and Kan-Ra). However another player (that has obviously played with Hisako A LOT more than me) may find a way to counter that “abusive throw” by doing the same throw with the same reaction time (which as you know cancels the throw) after seeing you do that first time around. So yeah “bully” is not the best word for that. The words I would use is “obvious throwing”.
I’m not referring to any specific setup that was used here when I talk about “bullying” Hisako. KI is often a hyper aggressive game, but because of the threat of counter a lot of times people will play against Hisako in a passive manner, always afraid to throw a button at her because she might counter it. That is a great way to lose to her.
I’m talking about holding forward and going in on Hisako once you get the space to do so. Meaty her both high and low, neutral jump to bait throws and counters, and sometimes just outright walk up right in her face and throw her. It’s important to be flexible in this pressure, but it’s important that the pressure be maintained. That is what I mean by bullying, and it doesn’t have anything to do with just abusing throws or anything like that.
Quite honestly STORM played this MU pretty optimally from the Jago side. I’ve played a lot of great Jagos and the approach is most often pretty similar, save for one or two outliers.
Oh, ok. Sorry.
So far my hardest issue is breaking her naginata attacks. Once she has you in there she pretty much can wreck your stuff. I’ve often tried to trick her into teleporting, but I think a lot of Hisako’s have some how catch on.
To be frank I am not that familier with her weaknesses either.
I use Riptor, Cinder and Fulgore.
My friend - you’ve already won half of the VS Hisako game… right there at character select.
I’m sorry to break it to you but that’s super vague
Just because Riptor may have some advantages over Hisako does not mean jack-■■■■ if I don’t know WHEN to use them against her. If it’s against a really skilled player, Hisako could beat my ■■■ every time.
So instead of telling me that I just won the lottery how about specifics? What is the famous “ghost waifu’s” weaknesses? >:U
and what are some things I need to watch out for? aside from the naginata cutting into my flesh every now and then?
That’s why I linked the match-up thread.
Ok that’s very funny!
Of course Riptor does have a large amount of mix-ups to use. Hisako can’t counter projectiles and with the season 3 update Riptor has got an advantage over Hisako in more ways than one.
Did you actually, you know, read the massive thread that he linked right there in his post?
It’s written from the Hisako perspective, but there’s a lot of information and analysis in there about what we Hisako’s hate and struggle to deal with in the Riptor MU. Adapt that to your playstyle, and if you need more specifics or ideas on how to do that, ask in the body of that thread and we’ll do our best to answer.
More generally, the points that were made above (including the Jago video that I posted) all hold true in the Riptor matchup as well, except that Riptor has even better oki pressure options to use in this fight than Jago. Bully Hisako and disrespect her, which Riptor does better than most characters because of her flame normals.
On breaking her, pretty sure there’s a separate thread about that somewhere within this sub-forum. I personally recommend trying to break the linkers if you’re unable to recognize the AD’s.
Just read it actually like hours ago : p
Cool beans. Hopefully it was helpful for you
How the hell do you break this character? Hisakos do incredibly long tedious combos with awkward timings. Are there easy things to look for? What are some obvious signs if any? She has so much motion and is just an oddity that actually seeing what is going on is half the battle for me. Feel like I’m guessing, the combo breaker training does very little for me since the AI doesn’t do combos players are doing on me. Which is why I’m here. I’m assuming her auto doubles have to be distinguishable right? Anyways, would appreciate any general advice. Otherwise I’ll have to play her myself to actually understand when and where to break.