How to play Double Helixs Killer instinct season one (tutorial)

The great thing about Season 1 was that the competitive community loved it. You rarely ever heard us complaining about stuff on Twitter, Twitch, forums. We loved the game for what it was and only cared about improving.

Was it perfect? Not at all. But I can tell you that we had far, far less complaints about the game than we do now.

In fact, you might remember a podcast CDjr, myself, KDD, Gnarlyfeats, and some others did after S2 was announced. We were discussing what should change for S2, in terms of balance. Our list was very small. Sadira loops and Wulf backdash were the obvious ones.

Other than that, we were pretty happy with the game. Fun times. Now the game is a mess and every Twitch chat is people complaining about stuff.

Honestly, I’d rather fight S1 Sadira than fight S2 KanRa, Arbiter, or Aria.


Streamed 3 hours or so of Killer Instinct 1.10 (Season 1).

Wow, it feels different in so many small ways.

It would be fun to see at the next ki cup a ki season 1 side tournament


I feel like the game having more balance issues comes with the fact that there are more characters. It’s kind of inevitable for there to be more complaints.

To me, aesthetically speaking, season 1 characters are by far the best in the game, and over all from a visual standpoint season 1 is unmatched. The season 2 and 3 characters just flat out don’t look as good to me as DH’s designs. The textures of characters and things like Kim and tusks face and his black eyes and massive shoulder clipping and stuff like that just really put a a damper on the visuals for me. Eyedos textures look bad to me along with gargos’s. I look at characters like jago, glacius, fulgore, spinal etc. and they look unrivaled to me by anything from season 2 or 3. Not all of them are bad, but even the new lighting just doesn’t look as vibrant as season 1 did. I’m happy IG took over and did a lot of good for the game and I’m really thankful it didn’t die again, but id be lying if I said I don’t often think of what the game would have been like from a visual standpoint; character designs etc. if DH would have never been bought out. I’d love to see some designs they had for early season 2 characters like TJ; that would be really really interesting.


i approve lol but they should stay in S2 mechanics and just add new things and cast no nerf .
as what sometime changes is nope always good :smirk:
S2 IMO was the just deal. no more damages no less damages

I did a thread about that.
S1 has the best characters, no gimmick.

I’m 100% with you.

I honestly would rather not. One of the last things I want for KI is to become another Brawl/Smash 4 vs. Melee situation.

We have different memories of season 1 then - unless you just have a very narrow definition of “the competitive community.” I remember a lot of complaints about how certain characters never made top 8, how too many tournaments were being won by Sabrewulf - how Wulf was obviously insanely OP because Justin Wong could win tournaments without even owning an Xbox one and clearly not even understanding the combo system. Not just his backdash, but the hitbox on Eclipse as well as the unreactable dash through to eclipse or throw were huge targets for complaints.

There were mountains of complaints about how in a combo focused games too many competitive players were doing short cash out combos, which were suboptimal but still winning because they had superior neutral skills. You have no recollection of all the drum beats for Orchid being too low tier? When Fulgore dropped there were tons and tons of complaints about his rate of meter gain and how he was too hard to play because he was always resource constrained.

I also remember EVO as being really tarnished by the absolutely ridiculous Sadira Loop over and over again. You might have been happier fighting against it, but no one was happier watching it.

It’s great to have fond memories of S1. I have very fond memories of S1. But as you say, it had it’s problems. And balancing an 8 character game is a lot easier than balancing a 26 character game. I don’t think it’s really defensible to look at S1 and call it “fun times” and then look at S3 and say it’s “a mess.”

Just watch this. Keep in mind while you are watching it that in Season 1 you can’t break juggles - at all, ever. And you can’t break Sadira’s instinct loop. Yeah, count me out of the season 1 side tournament.



I know people don’t really care much for season 1 calling it The Broken season however I think that with a few tweaks season one is not as bad as people think. PS I see why people like playing sadira and season 1
Spider lady grew on me.

RIP season 1 shadow effect
 now we have some purple stuff around the character.


Say what you will about the brokenness of season one but I don’t have one bad memory I absolutely LOVED it was the only reason for my purchase of the x1 also the shadow effect should have never been changed not even for the story that visual effect corresponded with the name (shadow move) perfectly

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Hello, I say sorry if my words hurt someone, not my intention, but i never have a official answer to my question:
Year 1994-1996 RARE create a killer instinct game. (nintendo era)
Year 2007: RARE itself say: MS dont have interest in killer instinct.
Year 2012-2013: Adam say: “why us (MS) dont have a fighting game”
(MS have RARE making ““nothing””)
Year 2012-2013: MS say : OK adam, go and find a good develop team for ki.
Adam: hey IG, we need you , we made a new KI-
IG:WE dont know what to do for the game, sorry
DH: hey adam , we have a idea about the new KI.
OK say adam, give to us a tech demo.
Year 2013: DH give to us a beautifull game,
but, amazon purchase DH.
ADAM: dont worry, killer instinct is in good hands.
(I pray for RARE !!!)
Adam say :the new team, IG have a lot of ideas about the game 
(i say WTF
 they have rare, but give the game to people who say a year ago “we dont know what to do with killer instinct”) but now the team are plenty of ideas?
Ok i see the new ideas:
IG make radical changes in gameplay. Footsies are gone. but aereal breakers come.
IG took away shadows. and give to us purple tint
IG never give to us ultimates, and i remember david lang saying "ultimates are a fact "
Adam say "i dont like inconsistencies "
I love the work you do adam.
But i dont like the inconsistencies in the actual game.
Some thing implemented by ig are great, but IG take away some effects really good from seasson 1, like shadows, and screen darkness when characters trow fireballs.
And some many here WANT THIS THINGS BACK, listen to us please!!!
Sorry about my bad english.
God bless to all.


Your English is good enough to make the point.

I have a hard time understanding how screen darkness during fireballs is a make or break feature in the game. And I just think people should realistically look at the game. You can’t credit DH with good visual effects but ignore bald Orchid, and other issues with the game.

Also, remember there is no alternate universe where DH keeps making the game. So besides just nit picking about trivial stuff and bemoaning that time passes and things change, what is it you guys want? Remake the game with screen darkening on fireballs?


Thanks for you time!
I think if IG can give to us the old shadows effects and screen darkness without too much effort (at least give to us a old shadows effects in game option) and a lot of people here be really happy!
We cant understand why the effect was changed.
Its too hard to re- enable the old shadows effects in game?
The code exist and dont need to be develop again.


I thought IG was too busy to work on KI not that they didn’t have any ideas?
Also ya a shadow/purple and a darkness/normal option set would be nice.

its all i want!
we need this options.
Can MS hear us?


This needs to happen, the purple effect sucks!

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Great post!