How many mains do you have/Or will you have?

Primary Skull
Shadow Jago

He’s basically the Evil Ryu/Akuma version of Jago. Nothing more, nothing less.

Secondary Skull

I’m not that good with him but since he’s an actual living cursed skeleton, he fits right in.

Tertiary Skulls
Retro Cinder, Retro Maya and Retro Fulgore w/ Skull accesories

Basically in my book (because you know I love skulls) if a skull, skulls, the entire skeleton or other skeleton parts are apart of a character’s Default costume/accessory then I’ll most likely choose that character. Since Retro Cinder, Retro Maya and Retro Fulgore has Skull accessories, those three characters (chosen at random times) will be placed in my tertiary list as last resorts.

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  1. Sadira

She was my first main. Will always be best girl. Just like Spiderman like characters in general and liked watching Season one videos in which she would do acrobatic air combos. She was amazing.

  1. Hisako

My second level 50 who I should probably get back into. Haven’t played her in a while but she is one of the stand out characters who I will always represent KI in my head.

  1. Kim Wu

I really didn’t dig Kim Wu’s visual appearance. I still don’t. Her base costume looks bad and her face still looks terrible. Her alternate costumes look alright minus the motorcycle helmets. Her gameplay is what is the only thing really keeping me enticed.

  1. Mira

Trying really hard to main her right now. Finally went from bronze to Killer with her a few hours ago. She is perhaps the most frustrating character for me. I love everything about her design and the way she moves minus the air dashes and evaporating but her gameplay is so uninspired. It’s hard to play with her but having to have bats out all the time is the only way I feel she wins.

1: Riptor
2: Glacius
3: Sabrewulf


That’s my thoughts too when someone says “main.”

As for me my only main was the Wulf but with recent changes I’ve switched to Arbiter as my main now. Though I may pick up another character as the rest of season 3 unfolds.

I always try to have a team of Mains (or Main team). Obviously, I gravitate towards one within that group as the lead but I try to learn and pick apart all of them for the purpose of overall improvement.

My team: Arbiter (L), TJ, Shago, Rash, Cinder, Thunder/Fulgore (love both, haven’t decided yet)

Yeah, I’d just consider those alts, secondaries, or pocket characters. Your main is the character you play the most and/or are the most proficient with. If you’re like Rico and play the whole darn cast with some regularity, then you don’t really have a main, or your main is, at best, the character you’re most likely to turn to when it’s 2-2 in grand finals.

I main Tusk since PC release, I`d like to expand my comfort zone but I soo love this like-truck-hitting astard.

I`ll main Gargos for sure.

  1. Spinal - I play a few characters but Spinal is the only one I consider my main. I just love this character so much. I love Horror/Halloween so he kind of checks that box off being a skeleton, I love pirates so he checks that off, and he is kind of goofy which is another thing I enjoy. He has it all for me so that is why I main him.

  2. Fulgore - I use him a little bit, not as much lately but I can if I have to. I like him because he looks so bad ■■■. Really nothing else to say there lol

Mira - I have been using her a bit since her release and again, it comes down to her being something I like. She is a vampire, which brings me back to the whole horror/Halloween thing.

Rash - I probably shouldnt include him since I don’t use him anymore but for a while there I was using him everyday and doing alright. I can still use him if I had to but I just don’t anymore. I originally was drawn to him because he is stupid/silly lol

I plan on learning Gargos too, and Eyedol if he ever is in this game.

I guess I consider alts/pockets/etc as something else entirely. I try to put in even effort across the board and split my attention appropriately. Obviously, it’s a substantial investment that takes a while to yield consistent returns but the freedom to switch on the fly is so rewarding.

I only have the capacity to “main” one fighter at a time. If i choose a different character, than mira (my current), it’s for fun or in desperation. My past mains were Glacius, Aganos, hisako and briefly tusk.

My best is Glacius (I know, Wrath of Fulgore blah blah blah)
Under him are Fulgore, Jago, and Shago.
I’m also not too bad with Aganos.

First, I must say that I too am of the school of thought dictating that, colloquially, “main” is one’s singular main character - I really like how @STORM179 put it: “the character you’re most likely to turn to when it’s 2-2 in grand finals”. But, I’m not here to argue or critique niche vernacular, so… As this is sort of a joint-account between my wonderful wife and I, they’ll be posted and labelled sort of separately.

Main: Omen
Messes w/ Mira & Arbiter

Main: Hisako
Messes w/ Riptor
Pending: Mira, Glacius


Mains: Glacius, Cinder, Maya, Arbiter

Secondaries: Orchid, Kim Wu, Omen

For Fun: Shadow Jago, ARIA, Fulgore


1: Fulgore/Riptor: I main both 50/50 pretty much. They were my go to in the original KI games and I enjoy them still tot his very day!

2: Cinder: While I admit it’s a tad screwy that Shadow Trailblazer has no use other than just a short range go through projectiles kinda thing. Everything else about Cinder is great. He was also another favorite for me in KI.



Main: Jago. Secondaries: Kim Wu and Mira.

Oooooh! We need to play. Lol

This all in order of who I main in each season

Jago, Omen, Shadow Jago, Thunder, gargos.