Hopes and Expectations for a new KI

I will always support KI no matter what they decide to do Sequel or S4.

Find proof I said this…
I’ve never said that in my life.

I’ll take a look but you so adamantly insisted that anyone who wanted season 3 was killing Killer Instinct.

Its looking like it was in the “PC over Season 3 thread” on the old forums pre-season but sadly the Wayback machine only archives some content. So until they give us access to the old forums like they promised I guess its your word against mine.

I don’t expect anyone to be believe me though, I’m just a casual fan who supports KI with my wallet but I can assure you your attitude was rather unsavory towards whom you considered casuals who’s only place in the community is to buy whatever they’re fed, not look at the “big picture” to save KI as you pushed the PC port.

I don’t want to derail this thread any further, if you want to talk it out private message me.

On topic, the only thing I really want out of a sequel is quality. The current KI is one of my favorite games but a lot of aspects of it feel like they were held back due to budget constraints. If the devs had a few years with AAA funding they could make a KI game that rivals the big dogs like MK and SF, KI has the gameplay down it just needs to step it up in the visuals and consistency department.

Hmmmm there’s hope in you yet.

Did the forum bug out? :confused:

I didn’t write that… yet I got a notification?

I hope they go back to the roots and mix some aspects of this game to the old KI2. They way you perform autodouble mauals, even from standing position. The overhead into combo/ fake overhead. Faking some moves (fireballs) . Grapplers shouldn’t be like Thunder, not even close. Mix up grappler? Also, too much juggling in this game, KI was never about that.

If they go back to the roots but updating the system while balancing it, then better! If they don’t, nevermind. I’m still open to suprises. But I’m not fan of KI being just a mix of everything, I wish KI was played more standarized and not like a crazy mix of stuff making some match ups not only annoying to play but just not even fun to look at.

Still a wonderful game, that had a lot of work from the team and I honestly believe they cared about the community and games. Cheers on you devs for working so hard in this new KI :+1: