Guests outside Rare

So guest skins? Awesome. Fulgore can be a Spartan. Wulf as grunt. Glacius as an elite. We already have Kick Tj. A Mantis skin for Aganos would be sweet.

Make Streets of Rage skins, an Adam skin for TJ, a Blaze costume for Orchid, a Souther(SOR2) for Sabrewulf. Do a Mumm-ra skin for Kan-ra and a lion-o skin for Tusk. Add Sweet-Tooth from Twisted Metal.


Twisted metal is owned by Sony Eyedoll returning in a pink ballerina tutu breakdancing to dup step is more likely than seeing Sweet Tooth in Killer Instinct :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

What about He-Man for Tusk??? He-man is my favorite show!

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The absolute only outside guest I would be happy with is a Mortal Kombat character. Other than that, keep it Rare. I hope Rash and Joanna Dark(if she made it) are the only guests.

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what about a Thundar skin for Tusk (Thundar the Barbarian) a princes(Thundarr the Barbariam) costume for Orchid, or a Snake Eye’s skin (GI. Joe) for Jago. Apollo Creed skin for TJ. Spider-Gwen skin for Sadira, Exodia (Yu-gi-oh )skin for Aganos.

I still want these Characters in the game.

If it was allowed, Bloodshot from Valiant comics would be perfect or Ninjak.

Dante (DMC)

Death (Darksiders)

Spawn (Spawn comics)

Kabal (Mortal Kombat) hehe just a personal bias of mine. Obviously Scorpion or SZ would be the guest if KI ever got an MK guest but I think Kabal would be cool due to how fast this game is and it makes sense since he is kind of a speedster (imagine his ultra)

Alex Mercer (Prototype)

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A non-rare IP guest?

Darkstalkers anyone? No better fit for the game out there… same genre, same monster tropes, same tone. All would depend on Capcom but weve seen strangers cross overs (Gears of War characters on Lost Planet 2, Cloud Strife on Smash). Morrigan would be top pick for me (as rather IG gave KI its own Vamire etc but succubus guest = awesome… if shes not too sexualised for KI that is).

RED HOOD…nuff said

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LMAO! I just saw this. If Tusk got a Lion-O skin, I would die laughing. That one’s even better the Riptor Cheerleader outfit. …I’m still waiting on blanket ghost Hisako.


That would amazing for Tusk! But…


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