Guest Characters Discussion *ULTRA THREAD*

I personally don’t mind a few guest characters, but I completely understand why so many people don’t want them in Killer Instinct. It does change the tone of the game to a certain extent. Rash is done very well, plus he is still being worked on, but I was a little disappointed with his comedic elements because it does seem a little jarring when he’s facing someone like fulgore. Story wise, guest characters don’t matter, unless IG were to permanently add them into the lore( maybe Aria caused the toads transformation as an experiment). I think the big fear is seeing Master Chief or Marcus Fenix or another character that’s already well established come in and make the game feel different. KI has been gone for a long time, its understandable that some fans only want this universe represented in game. Honestly I’m still on the fence about it, I think it could be a great idea if done right, but id rather not have guest characters until a little further down the road after a few more seasons or maybe a sequel. Also, I think a lot of people want all the classic characters in before guests get roster space. I’m pretty sure that IG won’t leave anyone out (except maybe Eyedol), but I can see being pretty disappointed if Tusk got left out so Joanna Dark and some battletoads could cameo.

I don’t have a problem with the idea of guest characters but having more than 2 in my opinion is too much for Killer Instinct. KI was never made for guest characters, it has it’s own established “anything can go” universe, which I guess makes room for guest characters but in my opinion IG should just leave guest characters for the likes of Smash Bros and Mortal Kombat because atleast in the likes of Smash Bros Sonic was always connected to Mario in some way, they were huge rivals in the 90s who then teamed up for the Olympics, so it would make sense to team them up again for Brawl because they have such a rich history.

The likes of Rash in KI, Killer Instinct and Battletoads never had anything in common the same goes for Master Chief or Joanna Dark.

Plus, you need to understand, including guest characters is taking up a space for IG to express their creativity in making new original characters. Don’t get me wrong, guest characters are cool but I’d rather have an original character.


Actually, this is mostly related to the internet phenomenon of amplifying a loud, passionate minority. I suspect that most people are fine with guest characters and the reaction to Rash has been overwhelmingly positive pretty much everywhere besides these boards.

This isn’t a criticism of people opposed to guest characters, just an observation. If you look at the threads, you see the same 3-5 people putting up huge walls of text with all their arguments against guest characters over and over again - because they feel strongly about it. Whereas I suspect most people are like “cool, a battletoad.” They aren’t going to get into an argument on these boards with someone who will clearly never change their mind.

It’s just another good lesson about how these boards should not ever be confused for a survey of “public opinion” and how no one, regardless of the topic, should think that they have a handle on what “most players” “the majority” “almost everyone” feels because of the sentiment expressed on the boards.


The main reason why I don’t like it is, is exactly what you said. It’s an advertisement for another one of MS’s IPs. It’s a cash grab.

My worry is that this puts a potentially awesome original character on the back burner for another season. We won’t know if this true, probably, ever. But nonetheless, it’s a concern I have.

I’d also rather have a character that looks like they could exist in KI, and Rash stands out way too much for that.

[quote=“Ziarist, post:7, topic:703, full:true”]
The main reason why I don’t like it is, is exactly what you said. It’s an advertisement for another one of MS’s IPs. It’s a cash grab.[/quote]
To be fair, as it stands right now, it’s only a cash grab for an early beta test for the character. We don’t know if it’ll apply towards the actual season 3 release or not.

I believe I pointed that out in my 2nd paragraph, with the thought being that we don’t have a picture with outlines to give us a number of characters coming out this season. Though, I did make the assumption that they would take up slots. And to assume is to make an ■■■ out you and me. Though perhaps just me in this case.

I may just be salty because Kim Wu, and Gargos are guaranteed for Season 3, and Tusk is at the very least a consideration. All with no word on Eyedol. I’d take an original cast character over a guest.

I’m pretty sure they already said Tusk would be in it as well. It’s only Eyedol that’s a little shaky.

I think they said something about them working on Tusk, but I wasn’t sure what it was they said exactly. That’s why I put “at least”.

I just want a silhouette line up to confirm/deny if guests do take up a slot from the 8/9 format.

I made a thread explaining why.

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People are so foolish we get are seo3 and the full roster but we also get a couple of guest chateracters

First of all you don’t know that and second it doesn’t matter. If we get 9 characters for the season +3 guest I would still prefer 9 characters for the season +3 original characters.

I wouldnt say everybody. Most people probably don’t mind to be honest. Just a few people being loud about it on KI forums which isn’t uncommon in multiplayer game forums where you get more people complaining than anything.

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I see a couple “antii” guest topics filled with lots of people from both sides. Do you not see those topics where explanations are given on both sides?

It’s a touchy subject I guess. I’m not going to argue with their choice though. I’m actually happy we’re getting guranteed cool characters allbeit from a different Rare IP.
To be honest, I never knew I wanted Rash until I played as him in the beta.

The whole “KI will lose its serious tone” argument is pretty strange as (TO ME) Killer Instinct was never a serious game. It was just a collaboration of mainstream pop culture icons plastered into a fighting game. (Dinosaurs, Werewolfs, Skeletons, Ninjas, Robots, etc)


I’m fine with guest characters as long as they fit. Rash fits perfectly! But scorpion? He would need his entire move set redesigned to fit KI.


My opinion is if they can only make so many characters for the roster…then I needs to be the remaining 4 from the classics and 4 new ones…not the 4 new characters can be guest characters. But I cant agree with 4 new characters…new guest and 2 old…therefore leaving out 2 old characters.

SO bring on 50 guest characters, as long as eh remaining 4 classics come first and there are 4 more new characters…because IG did an amazing job with Kan ra, Aganos, Hisako, Aria and Sadira.

Guest characters can be good for the game, but it has to be done right…MKX has done it right so far IMO

Bandwagon purists.
People don’t want to main characters they know won’t return in the next game
Some folk just don’t like how common it is.

I’m sometimes in the 2nd camp (I <3 spawn in Soul Calibur2) But I knew all my practice would be irrelevant in the next installment. However I did enjoy the character.

I do like guest characters, though whats most interesting about Rare guest in KI is they are in house properties and they “CAN” be regulars. (that don’t mean they will tho)

I would like to KI characters appear in other games too seeing Hisako, Jago, or Maya in Soul Calibur would be Awesome

I would like if you guys would come over to the thread I created on why guest characters are a bad idea and give your opinion there because on other threads I see you guys saying stuff that isn’t even an argument for me. My thread about guest characters does not mention characters from the originals not coming back and does not mention that characters don’t fit. I would really like to know your opinion on my point of view and I don’t find it in other threads because you just assume that everyone that doesnt want guest characters its because either it doesnt fit or old characters not coming back. That isn’t the case for all of us.

Since GAMESCOM, it has been confirmed that other guest characters other than Rash will happen during Season 3. We already discussed in the old forum about possible guest characters inclusion in Killer Instinct. General consensus for guest characters was around Season 4… For now, Killer Instinct Season 3 is going to have at least two guest characters… So it may take away at least two slots for possible newest characters or returning ones. If Season 3 has 8-9 characters as Season 2 ; it will mean that only 6 slots are left for remaining characters or new ones… If we substract Kim Wu, Tusk and firmly suggested Gargos, it means they are only 3 slots left for Eyedol inclusion or new characters. I will really disappointed if Eyedol or Gargos don’t make the cut for Season 3, due to guest characters… I want more original characters created from the ground by Iron Galaxy Studios. As for guest characters that could fit well in the KI Universe, I see :

Joanna Dark
Marcus Michael Fenix
Pimple / Zitz
Master Chief (not sure, but it’s a given).


While I really would like more original characters and their probably being 3 guest characters taking up those spots, I think guest characters will be a bigger boom to the amount of people playing KI than a PC port.

I mean am 90% sure Master Chief is going to be in it just because Master Chief, he alone would get thousands of Halo fans into fighting games out of curiosity. Personally, if they do pick a Halo character I hope its a brute just so it fits the moster role and we have a giant gorilla in KI.

Also, although guest characters are a one time thing I sort of want one of them to become a permanent addition to the KI roster. Edgar from Phantom Dust would be a good permanent character to keep in KI because he works with magic. The KI universe often brings up magic but none of the characters really utilize it. Edgar can fill this niche in KI I believe.

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