Green Mist obscures character colors/accessories

Yeah the smoke doesn’t really bother me.

Did the characters always walk up to the screen and what not in the earlier seasons? I like that alot.

No they didn’t. I like that edition.

i agree.

I agree with op.

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They all just used to spin to center like Sadira or Kan Ra.
Jago would just slide over. orchid I remember seeing the back of her vest before anything else, when the DH Asian guy mistakenly chose her before her reveal.

I wish Orchid would brandish/ extend her baton in front of her face like a Star Wars saber

Agreed, and regardless the green mist needs to be toned down anyway it’s too much.

I agree about the green mist. It’s like that Photoshop filter that you just discovered and think it’s cool and use it all the time until you start to notice that it looks tacky or tell yourself that you need to tone it down a notch.
Sometimes less is more.

The shadow moves could fall back from purple to one defining color for each character as well

I like the green mist visually. I think it looks awesome.

However, I did find myself having trouble seeing color choices like the OP, so I wouldn’t mind it dialed back by making it cover less of the lower part of the characters or relegating it to the background.

On a similar note, (and this was probably discussed in season 2), I’d much prefer the default costume be first in the list of 4 costume options when you pick a character. It gives a much better impression visually for the default design be the first one that emerges from the black silhouette, especially for new players watching. I think it’s better for that to be seen first than some crazy mish-mash that you came up with. If not that, just let us use the first custom slot to pick all default sets so they appear default. I don’t like how a box is blocked off unless you equip a custom accessory.

Currently, I end up wasting the first custom slot so that all their upper stuff appears default when they appear. Which oddly enough is because the green fog obscures most of the bottom half.

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I’ve been saying that since Season 2 also. And so have a lot of ppl. Having the custom slot come up first was a strange decision on their part.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the mist as well.

I’d like the mist to be black.

To represent the Shadows.

Everyone in this game has ‘Shadow Moves’ but why does everyone share this common trait?

The characters draw on some type of mystical shadow power for sure.

This being said I don’t particularly like the new purple shadows…

I’m not even sure what i’m trying to say here…

Eh - black mist might look a bit odd with the whole purple/green scheme they have going - not that those are inherently bad color matches, but black mist might do worse to obscure the character models in the select screen, and because of the contrast our eyes will probably be drawn to the mist pretty quickly.

Then again - color doesn’t work properly in one of my eyes (long story) - so I might not be the best authority to make such an observation.

I forgot about that purple and green theme hahaha.

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Man people literally complain about EVERYTHING…

We have the right to. That’s what the forums are here for. To discuss the game. Faults and highlights alike. I’m obviously not the only person who thinks this is a valid point. So deal with it :slight_smile:

I know, they even complain about people complaining.