Since when being a zoner means that you deal poor damage?
I believe you are not taking something into consideration: Glacius big damage output is not from his zoning, is from his close quarters combos. Which means he puts himself at risk to deal big damage. His tools are limited(no overhead, hail and shatter are bad moves for up close, only cold shoulder is fast, puddle punch is unsafe, bad mobility, awful backdash…) in these situations.
Glacius never was the strongest character in any season. He is not the strongest character right now.
He is not degenerative. All his tools are used, none is extremelly powerful. Cold shoulder can be countered with a different array of tools of each character. His zoning is good, but can be overcomed.
And if you say me that the problem is his damage output… Let’s put some perspective here, shall we?(Props to Infil for gathering this data on his guide)
Best Counter-Breaker Combos for 0, 1 and 2 bars, all in %:
Glacius: 49, 60, 70
Sabrewulf: 48, 57, 66
Spinal: 49, 59, 68
Riptor: 39, 57, 68
These characters deal a very decent amount of damage, very close to Glacius, and the 3 I choose are 3 mixup heavy characters. Wulf, Spinal and Riptor are harder to block than Glacius, deal almost the same damage, and in Spinal and Riptor scenarios, have a decent amount of anti zoning tools(Wulf also does, but in a lesser extent). I don’t see anybody complaining about Riptor or Spinal, saying that their damage is huge.
Whats the problem then? Why Glacius gets so much hate compared to others?
Because he is annoying.
Happens all the time. People complains about annoying characters more than anything. And zoners are marked for that in every FG, because their archetype has more haters than any other of the common ones(balanced, Rushdown, grappler…). Glacius frustrates people because peopl don’t know how and when they have to stop their offense, when is their turn. A good player can be opened by Glacius, but the most common strategy that people complains about (cold slouder) is weaker once you have a trained response against it. When I block a cold shoulder, with every one of my characters, I know what I can and what I can’t do.
Honest question people, for the ones complaining about Glacius, using your main, when you block a cold shoulder, do you know how to identify which version has Glacius used? Do you know if you have an answer to every version? Maybe your character has a good punish to some(or all!) versions of cold shoulder. Have you tried to study that in the training room?
I’m not asking to everyone to train 5 hours day in the training room. I never use it. Until a particular strategy gets me often, so I check some possible answers to it. I would love to hear about what you found about your character, what can you do against Glacius.
This will make you a better player. Don’t miss it, and instead of complaining, do some tests, and develop anti-Glacius tech.