Give This Guy Some Love

Yeah, I got the matches on my youtube channel. I’ve got more to upload as well, stay tuned.

That would be epic.

Any word on if Omen’s getting accessories/colors soon???

I think Omen is straight up OP in the wulf MU. Omen has way too many tools and a 100% potential damage 1 break match finisher is just dumb. I don’t care if you think it’s not OP, it’s just not fun – not fun is not good design. The thing that makes it OP though – is if you don’t try to break at your 1 break chance you auto lose, and if you do try to break at your 1 break chance – it’s an automatic counter breaker into an auto lose. It wouldn’t be as bad if there weren’t counter breakers, it would still be terrible, but just not quite as terrible. As it stands once you get hit by the command throw, you can’t get opened, because if you do you basically lost. Dumb design is dumb.

Omen has the craziest zone control, and ridiculously safe air attacks against wulf. The only answer is shadow eclipse, and if you don’t have meter you just have to eat block string. As far as I can tell, you have to bait a shadow counter to get out of the dive kick d+lp block string.

Omen has 3 meters and can lock you out of your two, can build meter ridiculously quick, can zone better than anyone, can mixup potentially better than anyone, his doubles are virtually impossible to react break, his wake up is ridiculous, his speed is ridiculous, his air control is ridiculous. His only down side is medoicre damage – it’s not even bad damage.

He has waaaaay too many tools and no character should have a 100% potential damage invincible untechable command grab. The only two options are to react back dash/neutral jump, but since it’s invincible he can just react throw it.

Omen is amazing – too amazing in fact. Omen has a high skill floor but a low skill ceiling – once you know him though it’s almost impossible for wulf to win.

Adjustments need to be made 100%.

While I agree that Omen may be a bad matchup for Sabrewulf, you are way overselling how good he is. I imagine you’re just really salty is all.

His 100% potential damage 1 break match finisher is super reactable and easy to avoid - it takes like a full second to hit you, which in FG terms, is really, really slow. Besides, he has to build up and spend all 3 bars of shadow meter to do it, which takes time, and is a huge risk for potentially no pay out. Even worse, he still has to open you up with a new combo and end it in order for it to actually kill you.

You can’t “auto-lose” against Omen. Or anyone for that matter.

If you remove counter-breakers from the game it would actually be worse. Design in this case is not dumb, but let me put it this way - dumb ideas are dumb.

His air attacks are not as safe as you might think. He’s super floaty and easy to knock out of the air. Simply use anti-air move - d+HP usually works for most characters. Many characters also have in-air/anti-air projectiles or options or methods of travel that can get them out of the way of his super-slow floaty jumps - such as teleporting. Since you’re obviously playing Sabrewulf, you could try using his dash, or even his b, f+HK (it’s the fastest version of this special, if I recall) run move without a follow-up attack to try and low profile Omen’s jump.

Shadow counter is definitely your friend - nothing wrong in using that against a block string if it means opening Omen up for massive damage. Also, have you tried d+LP after this block string? It’s one of the fastest moves in the game, and you can follow it up with a combo, creating a block-string of your own if they block it (and then later, if they continue you to block, you can start using a throw mixup instead).

His doubles are just as easy to break as everyone else’s ADs - his LP/LK ADs aren’t reactable, I admit, but that’s, again, just like everyone else. Learn the animations by going into practice or combo-breaker training and watching them closely. I personally like going into the lab as the character I’m trying to break (in your case, this would be Omen) and do the ADs myself over and over again so I can put them to memory.

His ONLY real wake up option is qcb+P. If you’re ready to block it on wakeup, he’s easily punishable.

Yes, Omen has 3 meters, but he rarely ever gets all 3. Yes, he can lock you out of your 2, but it’s not easy for him to do unless he’s in instinct. His zoning is really good, but his projectiles do crap damage overall. Don’t be afraid of getting hit by those (although you do still want to avoid them); instead be afraid of the potential they have of opening you up. His mixup potential is about the same as everyone else’s mixup potential, not better. His speed is actually quite slow, especially during his air control, which is good, but is, again, hampered by how slow it is.

Sure he can react throw the 100% potential damage, invincible, untechable command grab - but it’s still really slow and can often miss with the wrong timing. And luckily for you, Sabrewulf has some of the best frame data in the game, bar none.

I actually think Omen’s skill has a low floor, but a high ceiling.

Once you know anyone, it’s hard (but not impossible) for Sabrewfulf to win. This is also true of every character, not just Sabrewulf.

Omen was just adjusted to make him more viable of a character overall, so no, I don’t think adjustments necessarily need to be made as of yet. In other words, not 100% - that’s just your opinion, because you’re locking yourself into a single character (which, although admirable, is also not a very good idea - you should have a couple of pocket characters as well to cover your mains weaknesses).


Omen is great, I get 3 meters all of the time and I do very nasty damage with him. In fact, I just went from silver to killer in 2 sessions, strictly as omen and no one else.

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What’s that?

lol same here

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It’s just short for automatically lose.

Omens just good hehe I didnt bother with him till end of s2 but im glad I did hes very fun and very effective.

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If you’re in the corner against Omen, you’re gonna eat a blockstring until you shadow counter his normals or dodge his grab. That’s just the way it works.

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