Kneel to your God!
Your not making the wait any easier! Lol! Awesome combos by the way!
Not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that a dev is advertising a character being OP and unbalanced. XD
Styles is not a dev.
Oh? I thought he was. XD
Nope. Why would a dev get early access?? XD it’s cool dude I thought @xSkeletalx was to xD
I thought they were all part of the team. Shows how much I know. XD
XD devs make the game. Why would they give themselves early access to something they already have access too?? you’re a funny guy @anon39655210
I didn’t know it was early access, I just saw the title.
All of these look SO BRUTAL
Gargos is freaking sick. And @CStyles45 never fails to come up with absurdly cool combos.
CStyles already breaking the character.
I’m going to be called a Pitiful Creature for a LONG time. Lol
Broken? Please… At least 2 of those combos rely on the minion’s special move, which you have to wait a whole 8 seconds for - the minion will, more than likely, be long dead before then… Besides, those seem like over-complicated combos (although I’ll admit, they’re rather nice-looking), with meter, for a meager 30% damage or less, which IMO, isn’t worth it. Furthermore, the 3rd video needs both minions out - that’s going to be hard to do too. And finally, don’t you need meter to call upon the minions? That means you’d need 2 bars of meter for the 1st 2 combos and 3 for the last 1… Yep, definitely not worth it, IMO.
We will see. It’s too early to speak.
Hmm well I thought he was just showing us all in good fun. Whether or not it can be applied to a live match as " not worth it" is too early to speculate.
I disagree; I believe my analysis of the situation to be rather on point.
Interesting conclusion soon we shall find out if your hypothesis is indeed correct.
To be clear, I’m not saying he is or isn’t OP; I’m merely saying those combos aren’t what might make him OP.
Oh no your good. Lol. Just teasing. I don’t know if he’s OP or not. All I know is that I want to play him now.
Who doesn’t? I imagine we’ll be seeing an army of Gargos’ out in the wild soon enough.
I, for 1 however, will not be playing him - at least not at 1st. I’ll try him out in practice mode and take him through survival for a bit to adjust to what he can do and to experiment, but otherwise, I’m going to wait until all of his hubris dies down before I decide to really take a go at him. In the meantime, I’ll be content to show the wall to those who wish to showboat with him.
Maybe the Gargos army will combat the Jago Army.
Yeah I won’t be jumping into rank anytime soon. Barely did with Arby. Sure I’m game I just have to wait to buy Xbox live.