Gargos picture!

Cool pic, but I hope they don’t use that as his intro or outtro line…too Superman 2…

Plus we don’t need another character promoting teabagging…

edit: If they do use that line, expect to see a meme of Gargos with Terrance Stamp’s face on it.

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why people has to think that bosses need to be gigantic??? :neutral_face:

That’s just basic nature…larger things are better. I mean look at cats…when they want to intimidate they poof up their fur and arch their back making themselves look bigger. Same with cobras. It’s pre-programmed into just about all life on earth…bigger is more intimidating.

Because a good villain should look down on their opposition. They should be a big obstacle for a hero to overcome. Plus he’s a friggin demigod! He shouldn’t be at eye level with the Herald he created :smile:

Looks like he’s as big as Tusk, maybe even bigger.


Oh god yes

Giant season confirmed. We have now 3 giants: Aganos, Arbiter and Gargos… and maybe…




I’m actually kinda excited to see his fully cleaned up design and his retro.


Oooooh…vicious teeth…

Why dose it remind me of DOOM?

Because he looks very demon-like.

You know, it’s kinda funny you mention that.
Doom4 and Gargos both come out this month.
I think it was planned. Very clever planning indeed.


Don’t know it may be a bad idea running off of your insight, but the Warcraft movie comes out at the end of the month…maybe Eyedol will be announced sometime around then while everybody has fantastical monsters in the forefront of their minds.

Gargos vs Cyber Demon?

So If Gargos gets released on the 16th of May, that would be a great birthday present! :smile:

Is it your birthday? : D

The 16th of May? Yep!

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Cool…Mine’s the 18th.

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Color 2 looks great.