Please don’t release Gargos before Combo Breaker! I don’t want to get bodies by Gargos at Combo Breaker tournament because he’s OP! D:
So what I am hearing is you want us to release the LAST day of the month. The 30th is a holiday so that’s all that’s left. Well, I guess that’s May still.
Edit: “reapease” isn’t a word, boss!
Oh… Let’s hope they ban Gargos in Combo breaker tournament!
I did. And Rukari Delivered.
That angle and blur makes the face look so ergh. Get rid of this filter so I can see Gargos-sempai in his full glory.
They changed his mouth?
Gargos must be half human look at the whey protein build
You post naked boy picture?..
You get BAN!!
doesn’t the character have to be out at least a month before they are allowed at majors?
I think that’s what it is right?
Hmm, what if Gargos can unbreakable combos?.. Will they allowed Gargos at Combo Breaker tournament? I think It’s not fair…
We shouldn’t assume
At last year’s Combo Breaker, they allowed people to play Aria in exhibitions outside the tournament before she was released.
They could probably do the same thing again.
He looking good af. I so hope that is his default colors, it looks so much better than the more brownish looking color in S3 trailer.
I wanna see him fight!!
I wanna see him with a rash thrust taunt get on it mods
is that his stage in the background of the pic
stages for all please
Nope. It’s Sabrewulf’s stage… : (
bummer, im so dissapointed not all characters are getting their own stage, especially a character who’s meant to be the boss! they just feel so incomplete this way, they have their awesome music and no stage to use it on, I really hope missing stages come as DLC