Eyedol Discussion & Poll (unique)

I think we have different perspectives, on the word “Offensive” How were you effected by this? I too love the game. That is why I don’t want to see it going towards this sloppy direction of just throwing in a bunch of freaks. That’s not variety, when there are 13 of them. Sometimes people’s opinions, are different than the norm. I think Quantum Break looks better than Uncharted 4… Being supportive of a game, doesn’t mean you just stay hush about things you dislike. That doesn’t help anything. Especially when IG expresses how they enjoy all types of feed back. It’s a forum…Not going to stop playing the game, if they make it a freak show, but I too would like to be excited about a new character. glad you guys are excited about this

You know, posting that gif and saying that’s representative of what people want from Eyedol would be like saying:

"You guys really want a Yeti in the game??"

Personally I want Eyedol to be more like this…with 2 heads and a club (or mace):


LMAOF!!! Great. Now that’s gonna be in season 4.

KI has always had all sorts of goofy stuff in it.

Hey, if they do it right, a yeti wouldn’t be a bad fit. There are plenty of examples of yeti designs that don’t look derpy though, for example:

The point is it it’s not necessarily where the inspiration comes from so much as what is done with it. But using poor examples to shoot down creative ideas does not make good ideas bad. KI has already outdone the design of that derpy 2-headed thing you posted with it’s first iteration of Eyedol. I seriously doubt, given how they’ve treated the rest of the cast, Eyedol is going to come out looking like a 50’s claymation model.


If Eyedol was a giant metal robot


…i would not hate it if this were real…and i completly hate the fact that i dont mind this if it were real

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I don’t remember a 2-headed Shockwave in Transformers 4. Then again all the Transformers in those movies look somewhere in-between a robotic burn victim and a pile of scrap metal, so it’s likely I just forgot it was in there…

Still…IG, do THAT, but not a robot…similar build, but flesh and armor…and DOOM (4) Baron hooves.

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That was my reaction when I saw this picture. Wow, now if only eyedol does come back and look something like that, I will lose my mind lol nice find. :grin:

That is a freaking cool looking picture. People wouldn’t be half as open to having that in the game as they would be for eyedol, though. It’s all just nostalgia. You know what I think would be cool. Kameo. She is human, and can change into 4 different creatures. Makes everyone happy. Pummel weed even has a teleport launcher, if I’m not mistaken.

They were the yetis from The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emperor. & yeah, Kameo would be neat if they can Killer Instinct-ize her. The only real issue is that she essentially looks like a jungle Orchid…so it might be tricky making her human design similar enough to be recognisable but different enough to…well…not be jungle Orchid.

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Damn it, now I’m already getting ideas for Eyedol’s retro accessories and they’d all be based on classic movie monsters to fit his “goofy” monster theme.

  1. Basic satyr leg Eyedol
  2. Mecha-Eyedol (Think Mecha King Ghidora)
  3. Yeti Eydol (Satyr legs covered in white fur, white torso fur, etc)
  4. Frankenstein, blockhead hair, neck bolts, etc.

Wouldn’t that pretty well be acomplished by just giving him a white color scheme?

…wait no he’d still need fur…

…right, carry on…

One of his heads would have to be robotic.

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Yeah, I really really hope they do an extreme overhaul of him if they decide to add him. He was such a doofy Godzilla looking monster. I remember seeing some images of mages with the Illuminati Triangle sign and stuff that seemed cool. But that name alone is goofy to me.


The thing I enjoy about KI is the unique diversity and that it “IS” a “freak show” and proud of it. I would of looked at it like street fighter and tekken which has little to no diversity in it’s roster whatsoever, if KI had mostly to all humans, without the diversity has now, it be as boring as Tekken and SF’s roster and KI is not tekken or street fighter nor should it be and that’s one of the things I love about KI.

Plus that, the most important part about playing as a character is being something your not. KI really does take that into account. I can at least pick out more than one thing that I have in common with the likes of Jago, Maya, TJ Combo, Sadira, Orchid and Thunder. One of those things being that they are human and So am I. even with Riptor’s human arms I still have a lot more in common with the characters I just mentioned before her. So even if I was playing as
Jago, Maya, Tusk, Kim wu, Orchid, TJ Combo, Thunder, Sadira and any other human character. I’m still playing as something that I’m in real life.

Also the original KI would not of been remembered much if it hadn’t been for the lie of freaks. I remembered one of my friends who just spoke to me the other day and asked me about the name of the game and one of the clues he mentioned was a skeleton.

I would not of been able to identify it had these so called “freak shows” never existed.

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Agreed. If KI hadn’t had the kind of roster it had back then, and now. I don’t think it’d be as memorable either.


KI’s proud of it’ diversity one thing I love about it. Unlike Tekken and SF. If anything I would expect more humans to arrive next season, IF there is one. Because they already mentioned archers, mages, etc. In the Survey so aside from possibly Joanna Dark it wouldn’t be reasonable to see another human in the game. So I’m sure your hopes will be fulfilled as much as ours.

Also @LFrog I’d ■■■■■■■ love to see that as an accessory option for Eyedol!

.[quote=“WrathOfFulgore, post:265, topic:5994, full:true”]
You know, posting that gif and saying that’s representative of what people want from Eyedol would be like saying:

"You guys really want a Yeti in the game??"

Personally I want Eyedol to be more like this…with 2 heads and a club (or mace):


I think that works well for Eyedol. I’d like that to.


One problem with the Yeti though, we have an ice wielder in the form of Glacius. I’m not saying the Yeti ahs to wield ice or anything, though I would like to see a primate in the game like an ape.

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He would be Shockwave with two heads?

Certainly not personality-wise. :joy:

Could make a good accessory set.[quote=“Hayabusaslice, post:264, topic:5994”]
That’s not variety, when there are 13 of them

Having a game that has most of its characters being human is not variety either.

This is literally the only game that pits a werewolf against a dinosaur. No other game has ever done this.

But a guy from an Asian country going head to head with a guy from the US has been done lots of times.