Evo 2017

Smash is going to be broadcasted on Disney XD.

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hes prolly gonna deflect more, or just flail cuz we have no interest in evo lol

welp idk about you guys but the fighting game announcments that are shown in evo are nothing to scoff about. its almost just as important as the main games being shown on stage

it seems that the 2017 year of fighting game is no longer just a year. dbzf, fighting layers, the arc system cross over game all coming next year 2018 seems to be just as packed as 2017 with fighting games

That SFV final was terrible. It was just Marvel with Akuma insta-kills.

Dude punk sent tokido to losers bracket. And he crawled his way back from losers bracket back to grand finals and adapted so well he finished rounds with both a raging demon AND a taunt combo?!? How is this not an amazing finals

Just depends what you want to watch. There was absolutely great execution on display, and I gather that Tokido spent a lot of time in the lab adapting the perpetually lunatic Akuma skill set to SFV. Still, watching one of the world’s best players using a top 3 character (and don’t pretend he isn’t; if he wasn’t, Tokido would be using another one) hurl out 50% damage vortex-based combos for a half hour just isn’t a super compelling storyline or viewing experience to me, regardless of what he went through to get there. To each their own, though.

thats why ppl dont like sf5, the combos and strats are played the same. the only thing that will be different is in the neutral

I didn’t watch any EVO, but I have seen most of the announcements and I would t argue with you. Partly because all the games are getting seasons/DLC, and because of the new games you mention it’s clear 2017 isn’t just a one off year of FG resurgence. When stuff like Arika EX starts to appear it starts to make a Bloody Roar sequel seem like a real possibility, and I’m genuinely wondering if someone will pick up Primal Rage. I actually think IG could find a way to make that a great game.

I also really think KI, as much as anything, has helped show developers there is a market for these games. MKs and Injustice 2’s success and SFV’s bad press have both brought attention to the genre as well.

I’m a little surprised, to be honest, that we haven’t seen announcements for a new VF or SC game. I would expect one or both in the next 6-18 months.


I was really surprised by this EVO. While I didn’t watch too much of it because of work I was thoroughly entertained by the SFV Top 8. That was a great way to cap off this years EVO. Really exceeded my expectations.