Eagle's Story

Hope they’ll explain more on how Eagle got rescued by Glacius and how he was given newfound power to fight Ultratech thanks to his alien tech.

There better be a reunion between him and Thunder.

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I’m sure there will be.

It would be cool if we find out details about the previous KI tournament which Eagle won. What competitors he faced, things like that. Might be cool for a mini Season 4/Prequel of some sort.


Actually, he lost to Spinal. It’s mentioned during Thunder s1 ending 1

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That’d be great! It would be nice to see Eagle’s past on how he came to the tournament and who he battled.

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Do Eagle have his cutscenes in Shadow Lord?

I’d be willing to bet that Eagle will have a string of side missions in Shadow Lords, much like Eyedol, Kilgore, and Shin Hisako did.

That and how Glacius fixed/patched him up to make him the new AND improved Eagle :wink: :slight_smile:

Season 4 a prequel? That would be pretty interesting, it actually makes sense too, we know at least orchid participated.

Eagles gonna be our Strider Hiryu :smiley:

i have no idea of his story in this game! :smiley:

I remember Strider.
They should have copied him instead. [jago]
Strider is cool because Sega makes good games.
LOL for a company that’s been around as long as Sega,
With staff changing, etc they are still able to make good games,
their ability to make quality games is remarkable.

Long live Riptora.

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Im talking about Capcoms strider mr :smiley: the game that Double helix also made :smiley:

He doesnt lost to spinal, this is the ending:


It is assumed that spinal is somehow eagle…

But as the IG team says, ki3 is a different universe where KI1 and KI2 / KIG events doesnt exist, (thats why combo still has his left eye among another stuff)

I’m speaking about S1 Thunder ending 1, not about KI1, since its unrelated to this KI in terms of story XD

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It says something about being alive, and some stuff about AI in fulgore bur not spinal mention anywhere…


“Eagle’s murder was blamed on a 600-year old immortal but he was not dead.”

Ohhh i miss that hehehe thanks for claryfing

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Yeah, in KI1 they just used existing assets to imply that Ultratech would likely necromance Eagle…namely Spinal’s model. And while it got the job done, it led to some confusion in that people started assuming that Eagle was Spinal somehow.

All things considered though “Spinal” in KI 1 & 2 was more of a title than a name, and it just referred to the undead skeleton of the week. As far as I know the Spinal in KI is not the same guy as the one in KI2, which is why the KI2 Spinal has more of a Viking flare to him than KI1’s bare bones version. Also time travel.

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/[quote=“WrathOfFulgore, post:18, topic:20947”]
All things considered though “Spinal” in KI 1 & 2 was more of a title than a name, and it just referred to the undead skeleton of the week. As far as I know the Spinal in KI is not the same guy as the one in KI2, which is why the KI2 Spinal has more of a Viking flare to him than KI1’s bare bones version. Also time travel.

Reminds me of this pirate metal song I once heard. I forgot the name/band but the song was about a group of pirates who went back in time and started fighting Vikings and killed them all

Lol this vid lol