Eagle Revealed!

I’ve been pretty specific on what falls under the “clone character” categoy. As soon they borrow something from another character, be it animations, moves, a look, palette-swap etc, then I’d call it such.

So far, Eagle does NOT fall under that category. We haven’t seen any moves from him and haven’t really seen how he looks either. The only thing we know is that he is dressed kinda Tron-like, carries a bow and arrows, and has a mechanical bird with him. None of which is copied from any of the other characters.

He’s Thunder’s brother and his fighting capabilities were copied into a Fulgore, none of which states that he is a clone character though. That’s just lore. However, should he share any of their moves or take from either’s appearance, then there would be clone character elements. However, so far, that’s not the case.

So calling Eagle a clone character at this point is outright wrong.
Being of the same tribe or being family to someone is NOT being a clone character. Laura is not a clone of Sean in SFV. Orchid is not a clone of Jago in KI.

However, the more we’ll see of Eagle, the better we’ll be able to confirm how much is original content and how much is taken from other characters.


Updated OP with Eagle pic where we can see his face

I feel like an easier solution for all of us would be to ignore all “clone” comments from here on out since we’ve been spending all of 2017 so far arguing about that. It’s just pointless.

Or in some of my favorite words, “It’s no use.”


It’s alright if you don’t have a problem with it, but don’t be so dismissive about those who disagree with you. It’s a legit complaint. There’s nothing wrong with wanting original content over reused assets.

It’s actually not.

It’s Ok to not like clones and prefer totally fresh characters

But in this particular case, speaking in an Eagle thread about clones, when he is NOT one, is as on-topic as speaking about Ferraris in Halo forums. There are other threads for this short of discussion

And if he is dissapointed about the character because he expected something else, OK, but he says he is dissapointed for Eagle being a clone because it’s Thunder’s brother, which is nonsense

Look here:

It’s a legit complaint when it is an actual issue. It is an issue with Shadow Jago, Kilgore and Shin Hisako, because they fit under the spectrum of what makes a clone character. Reused assets.

I agree that it doesn’t fit with Eagle. If you had just scrolled up a bit, you’d know this.

I was not speaking about you, but the other one who said that Eagle was a clone. I know you didn’t complaint here

Again, this is an Eagle thread, which is not a clone, so clone discussion doesn’t belong here

Ah, you did not specify that, since you were quoting me.

But I was speaking about a non legit complain that you didn’t, same as @SonicDolphin117 was doing, and I just pointed out how ridiculous that complain was(by the one who did it because it’s not applicable in this scenario).

Let’s carry on and continue discussing about Eagle

It will be interesting to see his Shadow Lords questline

Gaaaaah, the tease was not enough! I need more info!!


I can’t believe folks were tripping about the tease when Rukari plainly said it will be a tease. One that was longer than Shin Hisako’s and similar to the ones at the end of the s2 character trailers.

As much as I like staying positive and help the KI scene grow …


Sorry but how does this apply to Eagle exactly? He’s a whole new model. As for gameplay, we don’t know anything about that right now so we can’t really call him anything yet based on his design.

They should have shown trailer ( waited friday, saturday, sunday for this ?), then gameplay demo at CEO, then release. What started like a hype train in December 3.6 patch is now a chore to follow. They dragging this too much. Char is to be released on june ending, which is technicaly July. Another month of waiting.plus the eagle bow n arrow may not please some fans. Thats why last char should be a balanced jago like char.Dissapointing imo

None of this has any sense of reason. It just tells what you want and expected, but there’s no logic in this.

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People… is that hard to enjoy what we have and be grateful that we are getting more and more?

I’m no asking to not give feedback. But why some of us have to be always looking for more instead of enjoying what we have.

Are you happy this way?


Because I still need a damn bunny!

What if he gets mid air acrobatics :speak_no_evil:

I am very happy than ever. I’m looking forward to see his trailer, accessories, gameplay and etc like when I was hype about Eyedol revealed. He will be best character for sure!


This. THIS.

