Dragon Punch Motion

I don’t know if it’s mental or not but I get this a lot playing Fulgore and I don’t seem to get it with any other character.


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It’s good to main chars without a dp input



LoL… Pro Tip !!!

Yeah, it’s helpful. Not that I picked my main because of that, but it’s something I don’t need to practice more on pressure. I can get it almost consitently in the lab, but I may get a fireball instead of a dp from time to time in actual matches.
Still, you can have some other problems with back foward characters, or at least you can get some negative edge stuff you aren’t really lookig for =S

Still, I like dp characters exist. But don’t forget there harder inputs, like k9999 “moon” special in KoF 2001 XD

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Peehaps its time to Consider those One Button Specials that the FGC is so afraid of.

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I said that one time. The title of the thread was “Do you use a Fight Stick, Fight Pad, or controller?” And then I said that I don’t like Xbox controller to perform DP.

I suck when I try to perform DP. Good thing that my toon doesn’t have DP :smiley:

I get impressed with these guys who masters characters with DP and never drop a chance to AA the opponent.


Ive never experienced this problem that Im aware of. Ive been doing Dps since the 80s so I guess its just instilled in my muscle memory. IF anything messes up its I get a fireball instead of DP ender.

HELL NO. One buttons DPs would be horrible


How would never accidentally having the wrong move come out be Terribal ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I bet having responsive controls and a easy to understand Visual Interface would be an absolute Nightmare !!! LoL.

Here is the reason why one button dp’s won’t work. Most dps are balanced around not working against cross ups. If you try to do the dp but the opponent jumps to the otherside, you have to start over. One button dp’s gets rid of that. Plus it would allow you to react to jump ins way faster removing a good chunk of offensive options.


A moot point considering players can use the autocorrect technique to DP Crossups anyway… as for jump ins… it depends. Exactly how far into the jump would it be okay to DP someone before it becomes broken ? After All The DP is an anti air… so what good is an anti air if you’re afraid people might actually use it to… you know… Anti Air their Opponents.

Auto correct dp’s also require more time to pull off than a normal dp, something where a one button dp ruins. What button would you even make dp? If you do that, you have less buttons to use for normals. The whole reason special move inputs exist is because there isn’t enough buttons for everything.


Ok, imagine how easy it is for cinder to AA someone with his simple input. Now realize it doesn’t hit that hard alone, now imagine a heavy damaging move now being able to consistently hit the opponent in the air. That would no longer allow anyone to jump now that it’s literally as easy to AA as a click of a button. It would remove the whole point of risk/reward and skill for jumping in and defending against that jump in.

Oh and imagine pressure strings, you can just mash the buttons over and eventually they’ll give you one frame in which your open to perform a DP, no input needed so no chance of it not coming out in that one frame.


Simple… you would have more command normals… this is essentially how 3D Fighting Games can how have a crapton of moves…

If special moves no longer required complex motions then there would be more room for Command Normals… but thats for Street Fighter… it would be a pain in the ■■■ to impliment this into KI.

So you want to get rid of an input plus a button for an input plus a button?

If they mash then simply block and punish the DP… after all thats the whole point of the DP… A whole lot of Power Upfront and a crapton of Vulnerable in recover.

As for jumping, better players are already Anti-Airing them anyway. After all you can’t hop KOF Style or air dash to get out of the way or block in mid air.

What ?

I don’t think you understand how much more powerful dp’s would be if they were only one button.

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Well yeah… can’t disagree with that. Its never been properly explained… as soon as someone even thinks about making DP’s more accessible the whole discussion grinds toa halt because it would be overpowered in some way that never gets explained.

Think of this way. One button dp’s allow you to react to some near impossible stuff. Opponent does an overhead? No nead to block. Just press that dp. Opponent does a frametrap? No need to buffer a dp and risk getting hit. Just press that dp. It allows you to do a dp way to fast.