Doom Eternal

You know, I gotta be honest…while I think it’s neat that they’re making the enemies look more like their Doom 1 & 2 counterparts, I liked the modern redesigns in Doom 2016 better.

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I am calling it now: Doom Slayer has been soft-confirmed to be one of the new guest characters in AND for Mortal Kombat 11 :grin: :smile: :grinning: :smiley: :sunglasses: :+1: :smiling_imp:

The Doom Hunter, yet another cybernetically-enhanced badass demon :smile: :grin: :sunglasses: :+1: :fire: :smiling_imp:


lol i like how he is taken from the Necron Destroyer from 40k

An official message/letter from id Software regarding the official release date of Doom Eternal:

I respect this decision.

As Shigeru Miyamoto once said (I believe that’s him):

‘‘A delayed game is eventually great but a rushed product will always be bad.’’ Or something among those lines.

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i am very disappointed, but i accept it as well. i hope this extra time will give ID software the ability to truly give us a wonderful game. cant wait!

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Yeah, that’s the general gist of what he said, although nowadays that argument doesn’t exactly ring true. With games today not being locked to a single release on physical media, a rushed game could eventually be patched into greatness, but usually the reputation of the game will be tarnished even it it does get better.

I actually don’t mind this at all considering everything I need to get caught up on and stay on top of this year. As long as it ensures the game comes out polished that’s the most that matters to me.

Most adages like that aren’t always true in the first place. A game getting delayed too much can just mean that the developers don’t know what to do with it, and it runs a high risk of turning out disappointing regardless of how much extra time is given to it.


I’m okay with Doom Eternal being delayed. At least they moved it to a new specific release date rather than just “COMING SOON” so they’re still on a schedule for release.

The fact that they’re bundling Doom 64 as a free Pre-Order bonus on all platforms is a very good move to help soften the blow as well. Few things are better than getting access to an entire new/classic game as a bonus for purchasing!


i dont pre-order games anymore though, so i get the full impact of the delay lol. still, gives me plenty of time to replay the doom and maybe beat it on ultra nightmare

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I kinda liked how they described DOOM’s encounters as a “combat puzzle”. I never thought of it that way, but that is just a perfect description.


That’s always been the draw to the gameplay for me, and it’s the main thing the reboot nailed IMO. The combat is interesting because it’s spawning all these different monsters with unique abilities, and you have to figure out how to navitgate the maps and take them out while keeping yourself alive with all sorts of variations and options to the process.

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Official Story Trailer too :sunglasses: :+1: :grin: :smile: :smiley: :grinning:

Who’s hyped for the release of Doom Eternal? :sunglasses: :fire: :+1: :smiling_imp: