Does TJ have Anti-Air?

people really need to get good with tj smdh!! tj doesnt have an anti air really?? what do u call vortex?? the fact that your timing is bad and get hit out of it doesnt mean tj cant antiair with out meter… and ofcourse tj can role out of any jump in. tj is super solid he just requires a skilled player to excel with him which isnt a bad thing. get good people!!! and stop crying!!

Nobody is crying. We are just having a conversation about TJ’s Vortex. And hitting people with a Raw Vortex for anti air is harder than it sounds.


Agree with @TheNinjaOstrich , we’re just debating on how to deal with jumpies, and the the arguments you’re putting on the table have already being wielded in this same topic, also we’ve agreed that dealing with jumpies with TJ requires much more strategy and creativity than using a regular dragon punch.

He’d be crying if his TJ met my Spinal :smirk:

No but seriously, good post. TJ has a rough time with Shagos pizza-cutter unless he has meter so remembering that his light Combonations can flipout makes it incredibly easier to open up for a combo.

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What about my TJ? :smiling_imp:


Lol your TJ is solid but he isn’t as good in this Season :disappointed:
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If they are jumping the roll is still good mobilty to go under them into a target combo or mixup. They would have to anticipate you rolling to space their jump. So if you need movement that one works, shadow vortex is his reversal, otherwise meet them in the air with some normals of your own. Flipouts, or if they hit stun enough you can follow up with a normal on the ground and confirm a combo.

Hm. I actually like Ostrich’s TJ more in this season than the last one. :open_mouth:

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I do too! His flipouts are amazing. I didn’t mean anything towards him, I meant it towards TJ’s balance changes and personally suggesting that TJ isn’t as dangerous as he used to be. Or rather, as of yet I haven’t seen anything that made me worried about fighting him like I would with Rash or Glacius.

We will have to do another set then. I think you fought me when S3 Launched. I have to show you the new stuff I have been working on.

For sure, gives me a chance to show you my new Jago tech.

Sneak peak…
Light Windkick followed by a Fullscreen Windkick

I have new Jago tech too.

@STORM179 saw a sample yesterday. :slight_smile:

Did I? What was it? :open_mouth:


When will you be on?

Lol. I have no idea. I’ll let you know.

It’s a secret. Lol

Hashtag: FinalsWeek

Am I right?!

This may be the wrong place to ask (scratch that, this is the wrong place to ask but caution to the wind :sunglasses:) but how are you using Flipouts with TJ, oh, Shadow, Flightless Bird Warrior? I’m basically relearning TJ this season and am slowly building some semblance of skill up. But I just cannot figure out the best places or ways to start using flip outs. In combos, I’m more worried about getting to the Ender by mixing my opponent up with input changes and Counter Breaker reads. And when I get to enders, I’m usually more worried about Battery or Knee/Barrage enders than I am the Vortex Launcher.

Yeah, I finished Finals too. So, I could show you some stuff soon.

Vortex Ender is usually your best bet for flipout. I use it during normal Juggles as well. It takes some time to get used to, but try to do Standing Light Kick or LP>LK target Combo in the air during a Juggle.

Sweet! I got one more, afterwords…

Y’all ain’t the only way ones with new TJ tech. Believe me! That S3 flipout and target combos are nasty!.. Oh, and TJ DOESN’T have a reliable anti-air because a whiff with that vortex and you are so open it’s hard to believe. Also hard to really read aerial characters since they can change direction in many cases. TJ’s auto correct is bad, real bad! Anyone that says otherwise doesn’t know what they’re talking about.