Discussion: Glacius changes thread

I actually think speeding up liquidize’s movement speed on instinct would be useful. Right now you can duck under a fireball if you time it right, but in the original two games he truly had a teleport. I understand why that is unbalanced in the regular game, but maybe as an instinct bonus it could work.

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I think his instinct is ok. It has a fear factor so if someones in your face they will usually back up. He does a lot of damage so its risky to give him a super strong instinct. What i dont like about it is how fireballs can stop your ranged combos even if you are wearing the armour

Umm you forgot Jago lol.

Lots say jago glacius is 5-5. Jago has tools for glacius, but i think glacius wins slightly

It actually took me a while to realize what you were talking about…

I would not say that Jago is a particularly good matchup for Glacius. Things definitely got a little better when they got rid of the full screen shadow wind kick, which made “jump back Jago” a viable option for out-zoning Glacius, but this was balanced out by Jago’s instinct going from meh to insanely good - and Glacius is pretty easy to juggle with fireballs because of his enormous size and floaty jump.

No, if that’s not a 5-5 matchup then it’s in Jago’s favor.

One of the things that may skew the perception though, is that a LOT of people use Jago. I’m willing to bet he’s the most popular character in the game. Glacius is not super rare, but he’s definitely not that common. Consequently, everyone playing Glacius is used to seeing a ton of Jago, but Jago players are not always familiar with the matchup. Although this might hold for any of the less popular characters, I think because Glacius is different than pretty much the whole rest of the cast, you really need to understand him in the matchup.

I never get excited to see Jago pop up in the window opposite me, but I can usually tell you if I’m going to win or lose within 10 seconds of starting the round. It’s just obvious if the guy knows the matchup or not.

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Yeah I was just throwing shots :slight_smile: You are right however, that is the reason it feels like a bad matchup for Jago. Unfamiliararity can be the reason any matchup can feel like a bad one. I had my wakeup call after I lost against 4 different Glay players lol. Since then I’ve been brushing up on it. On topic though, I don’t feel Glay needs any changes on instinct or whatever. Just watch RIMz vs DEATHMONKEY, Glacius is a disgusting character, completely unsanitary.

I’m sorry, but it sort of irks me when people take ONE instance of ONE matchup and use it to say “this character is fine, he doesn’t need any changes!”. That completely tosses out the window all of the various critiques across various threads that people have made about this character. Of course it’s possible for Glacius to come out on top and have really good matches, but the fact of the matter is that nowadays he struggles a lot against higher-tier characters and his instinct feels outdated to many. There is a reason that so many Glacius players have jumped ship to other mains at this point, and there is a reason people keep trying to come up with ways to help him stay relevant in the current meta. Something about him needs an adjustment… not a huge one, but this issue wouldn’t keep coming up if Glacius is disgustingly good as you put it.

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The ice armor is useful, but only in a very specific way. It doesn’t allow for any improvisation. I would maybe suggest, on top of the ice armor, also giving him that floating dash thing he had prior to release. If you watch Glacius’ reveal gameplay (I think it’s the ign video I’m thinking of) he has a dash were he floats just above the ground that was removed before the game launched. The added mobility could make the armor more useful, allowing for some more aggressive offence while active.

I FINALLY remembered another idea from the old threads that I liked, which is to make Glacius harder to combo break. Back in Season 1 he had risk-free counter breakers, so to compensate I feel as though all of his animations were mad very obvious–especially at range, where there are two major tells as to what strength of attack he is using (those being the change in your character’s positioning and the direction of the ice spears). Now in Season 2 risk-free counter breakers were removed, but Glacius still remains the easiest character to break–even his shadow moves all have mash timing. It can make it difficult for him to fully capitalize on one of his major selling points, which is his significant damage. I think Iron Galaxy should either give him back his risk free counter breaker or alter his animations or shadow timing to make him harder to break once he successfully opens his opponent up.

Another idea might be reducing the hurtbox on his ranged commands; ice lance, his jumping kicks, etc. Sometimes I just feel like it is really hard for him to fight at range not only because his ranged combos are so easily broken, but also when other characters have so much better mobility than him, and they can just swat his limbs out when he tries for pokes. Hm.

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Well I never meant as “look at this guy in THIS particular matchup.” What I’m saying is that this guy has put in the time to really get to know this character and he has the skill to show for it. I didn’t mention it because he beat deathmonkey in particular. Just that this guy shows what Glavius is truly capable of.

No need to get heated. I get what @SigmaAngelus is saying and there’s no question a good Glacius can cause some damage. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t be tweaked.

One of the reasons I’m reluctant to ask for buffs in general is that the plain truth is that whatever balance changes they do or don’t make, they aren’t going to go nuts with it. And I’m an intermediate player so a much bigger difference for me would be to practice more. I still have a lot of improvement in my breaker game and I’m no good with manuals. Those things hurt me more than Glacius’s weak instinct. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t be made better, but it’s just some perspective.

Oh, I’m not heated–I get a little irritated because I hear the Rimz argument parroted multiple times over whenever this issue gets brought up, but I’m not like angry or mad at anyone in particular! Yes, CVE Rimz’ Glacius is really really powerful… but no, that doesn’t mean the character doesn’t need adjustments. You can’t look at what only one player does with a character and then argue the character’s balance simply based on that; it discredits a lot of other players’ feedback, input, and experiences. Character balance simply should not hinge upon one player’s capabilities. We should be casting a wider net, which is why I’m so happy when so many people chime in… and is why I tend to side eye anyone who says, “This character doesn’t need adjustments, just look at what this one singular player can do with him!”. Hopefully that is a better way of explaining it.

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But see that was never my point. My point was that this is what Glacius can do period not what Rimz can do. I just used him as an example nothing more and I wasn’t wrong to do so.

Xian won EVO with Gen, a mid-low tier character. People ask nerfs for Gen. I, as Gen is my main, get irritated with this, so I understand what you are pointing.

Your point about Glacius being easily broken when doing ranged doubles has multiple solutions:
1-Ranged manuals. This demands at last two new ranged normals for Glacius with at least the reach of Ice lance
2-Less visual clues when performing ranged doubles
3-Giving puddle punch some short of “teleport linker”, similar to the original KI. This is a bit drastic and the most unlikely solution.

Also, and more important to me, I have to insist in the need of change of Glacius’s ranged normal hurboxes. All airborne kicks and ice lance can be easily stuffed with almost all normals, and they are useless for breaking Kan-Ra’s swarms. I understand that a Jago can DP your limbs on anticipation, but not with a jab.

IMO he will be a lot more competitive with this changes

Sure, he can… but so can every character. Every character has their specialist that makes them look like the best thing since sliced bread. But how likely is Glacius to, given how tough things can get for him at high level play? Tons of players-- particularly the ones who frequent tournaments–and plenty of characters as well give Glacius a really rough time, and the fact that it can be such an uphill battle to come out on top for him is what is leading to so many people suggesting minor tweaks to him. When you only have one or two players that you can cite that make the character look truly viable, imo that’s just as much of an indicator that something needs to be addressed with said character. And this is all coming from someone who absolutely loves Glacius; it pains me to admit that he’s not quite as viable as a huge chunk of the cast, but the evidence speaks for itself.

I’ve fought RIMZ. Despite his skill, it’s easy to exploit Glacius’ weaknesses. Anti-airing especially, though I doubt they’ll change his jump.

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I think out of all of the things you posted, I really agree with the ranged normal hurtbox thing the most. It just does not feel like there’s much of a point to attempting to play at range right now save for getting in a couple of stray pokes and chip with projectiles, but like you said it’s so easy to get knocked out of your ranged attacks and once an opponent has meter that gives them a lot of options for just blowing through your icy obstacle course. I don’t think altering the hurtboxes would make Glacius too overpowered because his ranged normals are all really reactable; when it’s so easy to trade with or beat out his ranged options, it feels a little off, at least to me.

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Another thing about Rimz is that I’m not sure if we’ve ever seen him in a tournament, let alone a big one. He has stated multiple times over that money is not a motivator and that he just doesn’t care a whole lot about the tournament scene… so again, while it’s easy to see him beating up some guy in an online exhibition and use that to say “Look how powerful Glacius is in the right hands!”, we haven’t seen his Glacius in varied enough scenarios to really tell how competitively viable Glacius currently is. (Unless I’m mistaken and there is recent tournament footage of Rimz, at which point I would retract this statement and also love to see it because his icy alien is fierce and wonderful.)

If I remember correctly, Glacius’s jumping pokes were significantly stronger in terms of priority when the game launched and they have been nerfed. I think there is some room to dial it back a bit. Having said that, you can still use them you just have to be unpredictable.

I am not a high level player by any stretch of the imagination, but when I have success it’s because I play unpredictably - not because Glacius has a lot of safe moves and set ups.

Yeah, his jumping normals and his shatter got nerfed at the beginning of S2 if I recall correctly. Why they did that I honestly don’t know, because again I feel like those move were already really reactable… who knows. :Ia