Disappointment in shin hisako

No one ever said “this is my opinion”, they DO say: “IG are being lazy, ki is declining, ect…”

Accusations and attacks that have no root. Opinions are fine, false claims, attacks, and spreading of disinformation is not.


I dont know what it is But I.G has made so many bad Choices since season 3 on ward theres a couple good ones but the bad ones have been so bad that you dont see the good ones and Shin Hisko is just another Bad choice they could of made a hole new character but they chose not to and that was the wrong thing to do. Everyone has been asking for new characters noone has asked for a remix character so why make the choice noone is asking for

Depends on what people mean by “new character” when they ask for one. Some people mean gameplay first and foremost, and devs are doing rather good job of not making characters that are remixes in terms of gameplay.

That’s basically the reason why I’m personally fine with Shinsako. I expect devs to make something decent gameplay-wise.

Other than that, having same person split across several character slots was always feeling weird to me. What an opportunity to create a new story and character, wasted. But we get what we get this time, and it’s not like KI in its modern form cares too much about stories. And that’s fine too.

This is what I’m saying but the majority think I should be grateful for receiving these frankly lazy and uninspired character choices between the two I’m sure shinsako will be fun and in fact I might Main her but man,my disappointment is tangible.

Because they aren’t giving them to us for free,they are paid characters,if they were free I’d have no complaints.

Same,I paid the 10$ to support the future of the game that’s why it hurts me even more that we got this reskin.

We haven’t seen characters share the same models(besides shago but he’s different)but now outside of a season the characters being released are starting to look or in this case are the same character visually,now I realize the next character will be entirely new but this is usually the sign of a decreased budget.

Are you implying wanting an actual brand new character that is the same price or more as any other character is a high standard?

I don’t know what’s gotten into the FGC to think this stuff is okay,it’s not fine when any other fighting game does it because it makes fighting games appear lazily made and causes it to have less appeal to the casual audience

“The casual audience doesn’t matter”
Tell that to street fighter can’t believe anyone thought/thinks this is a good idea.

I’m actually kinda hype cuz I wanna see her move set but I will always have my standard for each character but I understand where you’re coming from

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Which is likely exactly why we are getting character remixes, which may very likely go towards funding other characters, features or seasons in the long run. This game is 3 years old and is still getting content released quite regularly as of the current time, I don’t feel it’s time to sound the death knell quite yet.

But is it an unreasonable thing to say?I personally dread the day that comes since I’m a huge fan of the game(so much I’ve blown 200$ on dlc and merchandise).But sometimes we have to be real and wonder what’s going on.

Well, considering IG have promised 3 characters, Ultimates and took a survey to see what people wanted for the future of KI, I’m not all that concerned as of the current time. Take a look at USF4, SFV was supposed to be the shiny new game and yet the servers for the former are still up and running. I like to think I am being realistic in my line of thinking, or at the very least, not over reacting.

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I don’t think it’s literally the absolute death of KI I just don’t think we’ll get another season of fully unique characters

Never say never, though.

She’s not a reskin. A reskin is a colour/ palette swap.
Can we not wait til see her in action before the sky completely falls


Personally, I’m kin dof mixed on this one. On one hand, I’m happy for those hisako fans who probably saw this as a pleasant surprise. But at the same time I was hoping for a completley enw character as well.

And why should it be free? Isn’t that selfish to say a new character should be free?

I’ve said from the very start that what I say is my opinion. And if I haven’t, then I’ve simply forgotten to in my ranting. XD

But be assured, that’s what it is. It is simply my point of view.

i think shin hisako is totally random and an unexpected choice. i myself wouldve preferred a new original fighter, but i love hisako so im good to go. KI declining? maybe. KI is dead? nope, i got back on after 3-4 months and i was getting matches non stop, and basking in that awesome netcode. this game has “died” like several times over, if this is what dead looks like idk what to say lol


Lots and lots of this.

If you don’t like the character/are disappointed with her being a remixed character and not an original/hate the idea of paying for a non-original character, then it’s pretty simple: don’t buy her. No one’s forcing your hand.

Or be smart and wait for her actual reveal and gameplay breakdown to see if her playstyle warrants the money she costs or not and decide then what you want to do.

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