Dark Souls remastered is here!

Furi doesn’t even seem like its Graphically Intensive… perhaps the framework used to make it has got some sort of beef with The Hardware.

so apparently it’s not a remaster, moreso of a remake using DS3’s engine, hence why they said “expect combat differences accordingly”. as long as poise is kept, I’m happy. also, fingers crossed for crossplay

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I guess, but no one is absolutely sure right now. Ive only read articles that said DS3 engine and some same remaster of original. SO only way we will know fro sure is when the game play is released.
fingers crossed

Poise wasn’t as much of a necessity in the first game as it is in the third. Unlike Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls 1 has way fewer situations were you are forced into Taking Damage… I’m guessing From Software felt that having Poise on top of Upgradeable Armor made the game trivial so they nerfed it into oblivion for Dark Souls 3.

I personally only wanted enough Poise to withstand Arrows and weak attacks… its very Frustrating in Dark Souls 3 when you wear the entire Havel’s set only to get intrupted by any enemy that so much as thinks about Farting in your general direction.

The one thing I hope for more than anything for this game is that they rework the lost izalith and the bed of chaos. While the lost izalith was fun it was kind of empty especially after defeating the dragon butts and the Taurus demons. I hope they could make the bed of chaos fight like an actual boss fight that follows the formula of tough but fair instead try not to fall or get pushed. From what I remember that boss and area were rushed. Hopefully this time they can take their time with it and get right, if not I won’t mind being pushed into a chasm by a demonic burning tree hundreds of times only this time in HD.


I watched Vladi Vatis video on this and he has the same hopes as you mentioned…but, it seems unlikely anything is going to change the more i read up on it. As if its only a touch up graphically, frame rate, 4K, and multiplayer from 4 to 6.

We wont know until we see it. I think a lot of people including myself were hoping for a totally rebuilt game in a whole new engine, everything. BUt its probably not… lets just hope its not a let down.

If its rebuilt into the DS3 engine, it will be amazing. BUt if its the old game with just touched up graphics…ehhhh

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Can’t be anymore of a letdown than the bed of chaos just saying but who knows. From Software doesn’t seem to be a company that bleeds its fan base dry with nonsensical ■■■■, they put a lot of effort into their games especially the Souls series.


But Dark Souls is neither of those Things.:cold_sweat:

Considering how many people consider Dark Souls 1 to be the best in the trilogy, the only things I see realistically happening are fixing bugs and re-balancing weapons and spells that were deemed useless in the original version. Worst case scenario, a lot of things that were OP in the original will probably get nerfed into the ground, which will change the metagame significantly if not completely.

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Was anything actually OP in Dark Souls ? Anything people described as OP I merely saw it as one of the things that were not useless… take The Drake Sword for example… people kept saying it was OP… but it wasn’t. Its just a weapon that happens to do alil more damage than whatever crappy weapon you started with or might have picked up along the way. And its only OP for the area where you pick it up, The Undead Burg. By the time you arrive in the Undead Parish or Lower Undead Burg its more or less Balanced and its rather pathetic against the Black Knights, Gargoyles and Sen’s Fortress.

But thats for PvE.

PvP is a whole other story. Lots of OP Crap there but then again this is a series that has absolutely no shame in throwing two human players against you so I’l just assume they couldn’t care less about Balance in that Departmentment.

Combustion is OP, especially black flame combustion

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Magic in general tends to break the PvE just because of how basic and limited the AI for enemy NPCs is. It’s very easy to bait and zone standard enemies, and a backpedal-then-cast strategy usually works against bosses easily too.

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With the right stats and at right range the spells like Dark Bead and Pursuers can kill many of the bosses in the game in a single cast. Even on New Game Plus 7 and beyond a high level faster can just about flatten anything effortlessly.

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Yeah but you need to be far off into the game to min max your Character that far.

This also brings the issue of how do you nerf it ? If you weaken the damage output or make enemies sponges then that effects everybody, the people who min maxed their Characters will have balanced fights but the people who didn’t will have long drawn out brawls the go on forever where each blow of your weapon only removes half a pixel of the enemies Health Bar… infact that’s how it feels already so depending on how it’s nerfed it would just be worse than it is now.

I don’t really think they should nerf monster strats of this caliber. In fact I feel this sort of build should be encouraged!

Sure Dark Souls is a pretty challenging game, but it allows the player to get around it by letting them do insane things. Whether you’ve made a build that allows you to do insane amounts of damage at once or through sheer player skill it’s possible to make the challenge that the game is renowned for absolutely negligible.

I feel like Dark Souls is one of those game series that rewards player effort the best and I feel like it should stay that way. If someone wants to make a build with 99 Strength so they can power stance 2 Smelter Hammers in DS2 so they deal insane damage per swing, let them! Or using the weapon art on Ledo’s Great Hammer in DS3 to instakill players and bosses alike! Or naked and running around with not but their bare fists or a torch!

And I definitely agree that we shouldn’t encourage huge enemy health bars. Dark Souls hits my favorite sort of game balance where you can die very quickly, but so can your enemies. It really emphasizes the power of a good build but it also allows for experimentation with whacky or purposefully gimped builds.

TL;DR- I feel like DS games don’t really have to worry too much about certain builds being insanely powerful. OP builds reward player planning and intelligence, but can also be thwarted by other players of high enough skill.

Man, I hope we get a gameplay trailer soon. I want to see those “combat differences”

I never found Dark Souls challenging and I don’t believe anyone else does either… After all… look at how you describe it… everything seems to be determined by your character. The difficulty is rarely imposed on the player.

Its like most people try rolling out of the way of an attack that has more active frames than your character has invincibility frames and if they get hit they assume its challenging in some way… its the samething if you try guarding an attack and you run out of Stamina or if you get attacked by offscreen enemies. The game is merely throwing ■■■■ at you that your character wasn’t designed for and when you obviously die because of it people just assume its challenging… well I mean it can be challenging when you try to compensate for your Character’s rubbishness but thats just something I don’t do bother with. I mean… why would I ?

I’d say a Souls game is hard the first time you play it. When you’re trying to figure things out and you only have your basic equipment and stats it will punish you pretty hard, but it’s to get you to learn.

Once you start to figure things out though it gets to be quite fun and even relaxing. Take in the sights, enjoy the atmosphere, use the knowledge you gain to make what was once a dreadful situation a breeze. After all, the most intimidating part of a Souls game is not knowing what lies ahead. Once you know, you can use your knowledge to adapt and achieve victory, whether that means you go in woth the best equipment for the situation or you just get good enough that you can use anything you want (Hell there’s some people who don’t use anything at all) to come out on top.

Learn What exactly ?

Thats pretty much every Action Game I’ve played…

I’m sorry… but I don’t see it. Its why people think Dark Souls fans are masochists… its a game where people think Dying A lot = Challenge.

Edit: Same holds true for Prince Of Persia 2008. People think it’s easy because its impossible to die in that game.

Mostly just mechanics of the game. Enemy attack patterns and weaknesses, the kind of equipment you like to use, where traps are and how to deal with them, resource management, etc. For someone with experience in these sort of game mechanics it won’t seem like much but for the uninitiated it can be quite a shock.

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