Creating the Music for "Kim Wu"

i agree let these guys have a go at Riptors… but keep the old track and let us select it on the menu with a toggle.

Can i just say i LOVE the new Kim Wus music.

BUT its mainly because the orignal was SO SO GOOD and so catchy!

Robin was a genius! These guys have built on an already brilliant theme!


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cool ah?

i loved it!

I agree with it. I cannot understand how Mick made that low toned and boring new riptor theme when the original was furious. And here, guitars from new compos would be welcome !

Please ask mick permission and if he isn’t “OFFENED” (courtesy Sleep) , redo it !


Sure RIptor’s theme isn’t quite as memorable to some folks compared to most, but if ya ask me, the original just sounded more like a robot then a fierce prehistoric animal. I get that Riptor has cybernetics to her, but to me just didn’t sound like an animal that theme belonged to.

But considering it was likely never finished I suppose that would be a bit unfair to judge. Even so I still like Riptor’s new KI theme and it’ still has its place on my playlist. Really it just needs a few things to kick it up a notch.

Back on topic:

Was about time I got t hear a bit more of that theme. It is amazing lol. can’t wait to hear more. I had seirous doubts about Atlas and Cell Dweller before I herd Kim’s theme in the trailer. If anything this was the song that made me finally start to have faith in their ability to make a theme for a KI character. Since Rash doesn’t count.

Only thing I’d have loved to be in riptor theme was the flute

Then I’d have been ok.

Yeah that’s right, keep sleeping on me lol.

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You are the secret weapon! XD

But yeah, I’ll say it now, You and I will be REALLY good Solid Kim Wus.

I didn’t forget you! I promise! :sob: XD

Anyone know who the singer & musician are helping Celldweller?

A flute on riptors theme would defintely have made it much better than what it is now . It’s missing that animalistic, African Safari kind of vibe that I think would have been great .

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The Asian woman is named Rami Seo, I think. The other guy is Atlas Plug, co-composer with Celldweller for S3.

I forgot to mention Atlas.

So Rami Seo is the same person helping with the Chinese guitar and the vocals?

Does she have an official site? Youtube?

BRAVO!!! I really liked the asian singer idea.

Can’t wait to see “Creating the Music for TUSK”

I hope there are nods to the original epic score in the Tusk theme like Mick Gordon did for the other KI Themes.

In the beginning of Tusk’s trailer, you can faintly hear the orchestral choir performing the classic theme.

Sorry but, I just had another listen and still don’t hear it.

0:16-0:28 I can hear it clear as day.

I’m glad that somebody else besides me noticed this as well. This has actually been going on for a few of the trailers.

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Kim’s theme is almost upon us.

Remember that I said I would drive up on my friend’s Driveway and blast Kim’s theme?

It is near… XD


Well I guess it’ll take sometime for me to hear it as clear as you do, Cause I still don’t hear it no matter how hard I try.

When I first heard him say “Let evil come!” I thought he was saying "Bad people come!"
I’m thinking "Bad people?! What is he 5 years old?"
So I listen again and hear “Dead people come!” Better. The Astral Plane is supposedly home to the dead.

Eventually I heard it correctly…