Hello there,
While I have been honing my skills diligently; I find myself hitting a plateau in my progress; particularly in executing effective combos that can turn the tide of a match in my favor. I understand the fundamental mechanics of chaining attacks and timing; but I yearn to delve deeper into the intricacies of combo construction and execution.
Understanding the nuances of when and how to execute a well-timed combo breaker to disrupt opponent’s momentum without leaving myself vulnerable.
Tips and techniques for seamlessly integrating manuals and linkers into my combos to maintain pressure and maximize damage output.
Insights into mind games and strategies surrounding counter-breakers; including baiting opponents and capitalizing on their tendencies.
Efficiently managing resources such as instinct meter and shadow meter to enhance combo potential and overall combat effectiveness.
Also, I have gone through this post: https://forums.ultra-combo.com/t/thoughts-or-tips-on-getting-away-minitab-combo-assist/16809 which definitely helped me out a lot.
Also; If there are any seasoned players willing to spar or provide personalized tutorial sessions; I would be immensely grateful for the opportunity to learn
Thank you in advance for your help and assistance.