Cinder getting overconfident - Omega suit mod request

[quote=“CrimsonScorch88, post:42, topic:2515, full:true”]
Why its not all over the Cinder’s body? [/quote]

It is. There are glass-like hexagon things covering up the areas that look exposed. It’s just harder to see.

You can still see them in the character select, or the versus screen though.

Even in his Hero Art you can see them.

(Sorry For Replying fast Lol)

So that means that Cinder’s suit is actually a way to keep his fire in check? Like how Glacius uses his mind to keep his shell intact. Since Cinder is just a human, he can’t use his brain in the same way Glay Glay can, so ARIA developed the suit to simulate the Ice Alien’s ability. Wow. Cinder just got a ton more BEAST. LOL

(Suddenly I have an urge to play Cinder now. Lol First Kan Ra, then Orchid, now Cinder!? I can’t make up my mind. :laughing:)

Vs me and I can show you the world with Cinder. :wink:

Cinder has a very high skill cap and takes waay too much time to learn, but it was worth it lol.

I love his visuals and gameplay, but I’m a bias main soooo

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Where are you getting the idea “most people” don’t like it? The reason it seems people are having a problem with your opinion isn’t because of what you think or feel, it’s that you keep trying to magnify your opinion to make it seem more important.

Right now, ultra edition is 50% off. Go get it, play with retro cinder and be happy. Life is good.

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This was precisely what the developer said when they talked about him. Cinder’s suit is deisgned to keep his powers from going completely out of whack, but when that facial mask regresses away it means the suit is open and he’s ready to turn up the heat (pun definitely intended)

This, I really find it annoying that someone makes a statment that they say is “most” or “all of us” only person he can speak for is himself.

Here’s what I DON’T understand. If he hates the new cinder he should at least buy Cinder’s classic costume, you should be able to do that without buying the Ultra-pack. Aside from maybe having an extra finger (due to bone-rig of the model) it’s pretty ■■■■ close to the original. It’s actually really descent in my opinion.

Honestly I had no real idea how Cinder would look, even with the silhouette. But I expected he’d look different.

lol. You guys really dont want to understand my point. I’m an ultra edition owner since april 2015. I want to see some change for the default Cinder because the entire containment suit should be underneath the flames. The flipping pads through his body is kinda obsolete and boring. Aria should fix that by upgrading Cinder’s body to a whole new level where you would see more hexagons at his shoulders and legs. That’s exactly how im going to call my Cinder mod - the final suit. No need for pads and/or mask anymore cus Aria improved the technology of the suit even more w/ nanomachines(son) who made the use of the mask and pads completely obsolete. You know what, i dont even care anymore. God bless the PC version of this game. I might sell my xbox very soon.

What if you can’t mod, to prevent cheating?

nah… IG cant be so cruel can they?

Well, They can take the Fallout 4 route, and only have select mods to work. Who knows? Just don’t get your hopes too high in the event you can’t mod.

What I’ve taken from this is: “I own the Retro version but I don’t like the default so they should change it”.

IG won’t make that decision, they are just programming the game. MS will decide whether the PC game can be modded and they don’t have a huge history of allowing that sort of thing.

Sounds like it. If I didn’t like the modern-Riptor look (which I do) I’d be playing the Retro-Riptor more.

The issue really is wheter or not the mods can effect the online and game-play. Last thing I’d like to see happen is mods not happening cause some guy just HAD to give Sabrewulf a projectile…

Now visual mods should be fine so long as they don’t do anything like glitch or cause any lag or what have you

Only if the modding results in unfair balancing or gives the said modder an advantafe. If it’s strictly visual mods that can be approved by MS I can see this working.

At the end of the day Green, everything everyone is saying here is all opinion not fact.

Also while were at it, we should fuse all the cinder “design” topics, cause they’re starting to fester-up the place.

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