Hey KI Family!
Call me bonkers for twisting my tinfoil hat into a Fulgore ponytail all you want, but I really believe that the Steam version of Killer Instinct is leading to…. (wait for it) …more Killer Instinct. I know, I know- but hear me out. I dredged up the 12/9 Textural Stream from late 2016 and made a new topic about the bonus shadow lab slot(s) we could eventually get, but FAR more importantly, there are some really relevant gems that make more sense as I re-read them in mid-summer 2017. For instance:
KI was released on the Xbox One to start, and the game’s user base grew quite a bit since it was eventually released on Windows 10. If they can “grow the community as much as possible, COUGHSTEAMRELEASECOUGH “(they) can keep making more.”
With the brand-new KI comic on the way, continued interest in the game, the impending Steam release, and the upcoming 4K patch for Xbox One X (which I believe implies that Microsoft Game Studios isn’t close do being done with KI as they want to showcase how great it will look & run on their new console), as well as the quote above, the future looks bright!
Let’s pull a few more key quotes from the Textual Stream, shall we?
I wonder when we’re getting that 3rd Shadow slot- We’re a little past the next update… (I want a Shadow Eyedol- WITHOUT having to delete my Shadow Sabrewulf or Shadow Riptor!)
“Terror Skin packs.” Feels like it is implied that more Terror Skins are planned, doesn’t it? (I hope so!)
“A lot more players” (We’re working on the Steam version- Get ready for a boatload of incoming KI players and new fans!) “and surprises.” Sharkman confirmed. I do wish that we had more Shadow Lords missions- I love digging deeper into the lore of KI and expanding it with these new mini-adventures.
Cheer up, buttercups- It’s been vewy, vewy quiwet lately, but I have a pretty good feeling that the light at the end of this tunnel is rapidly approaching. In the meantime, buy the Omen Color Pack! Buy Gold Skins! Buy the Terror Skin Pack! Pick up Kilgore & Shin Hisako! Play with your favorite new content to show the KI Crew what you like the most of the new content! Oh, and above all else?