Can the CPU not do full ultras please?

Go get a glass of water, respond to some texts, maybe call your mum and tell her you love her. Do literally anything that doesn’t require you to sit and stare at the screen, that’ll just build anger for no reason. Problem avoided (not solved, avoided). Its really not the worst thing in the world.

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Cpu has been doing ultras, ultimates, fatalities, brutalities, babalities, friendships and more since I started playing video games in the early 90’s. The point is, it’s a fighting game. Things got bigger and better! And people complain about trivial things more and more. As much as I’ve had gripes with changes on some characters, I’m just happy that after almost 20 years I got to play KI3. That’s all that matters to me.

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i just want a pause menu rematch like mk, just for local and single player modes, thatll give an option rather just getting rid of it as a whole

what! You’re telling KI to not be KI :astonished:

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The AI are not programed to have etiquette, they are programmed to follow one of 2 sets of instructions:

  1. Punish you with frame perfect timing, block every mix up, tech every throw, make your life hell.
  2. Stop blocking, stop attacking, and let you win.
    The AI will bounce in between these throughout the match, often rubber banding depending on your current progress.

Luckily, from what I’ve seen, the AI only does the one Ultra and a few juggles at most. They don’t go for recaptures or instinct cancels.
It also doesn’t taunt you after a match, only during as a way to bait you from running away.

I think the AI is fine as is (coming from someone who’s spent 90% of their 1347 hours in single player). It strikes a balance: It holds zero respect for you, but it does pity you to hold back once in a while.
Whether or not this is fun to fight against is up to personal judgement, but it’s doing a reasonably good job when it comes to imitating “etiquette” that you’d experience online.


I’ve noticed Rash and Spinal taunt once they have spammed their projectiles (Rash with his Instinct).

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Wow…has the game finally gotten to be so well-balanced and complete that the only thing there is to complain about now is how supposedly KI is wasting your time doing one of the things that KI is most known for?

You know honestly if you want the game to supposedly stop wasting your time, get a PC with an i7, a 900 series GTX equivalent or higher, and a SSD to run KI off of. Because if you want to know the single most time-wasting aspect about KI, it’s the XB1’s load times.


Good one :smiley:

ZING!! that’s uncalled for and unnecessary, but i love it.

I don’t know about that exactly, but honestly this is like the 3rd “OMG Ultras are wasting my time!!!1!!!111!!!1111!!” thread this week. And they all boil down to the same argument:

“I don’t like them they’re too long!”
“No they’re not.”
“They’re disrespectful, they should be cut”
“They’re part of KI’s identity, they shouldn’t go anywhere”
“Multiples should be banned from competitive play”
“No argument here, limit them to 1 in those cases.”
“They don’t take any skill”
“Yes they do”
“I don’t care I don’t like them. They waste my time.”
“Don’t all games do that?”
“No, they’re not entertaining anymore, I want to be entertained.”

etc. ad nausem.


You forgot one.
“Do something else instead of watching the Ultra”


Oh yeah, right…sorry…


I mentioned this in an earlier thread, but the people on each side of these discussion have been discussing the same points for as long as I can remember. There were Ultra vs No Ultra threads back in the S2 forums, too, and I don’t think anyone is going to be changing anyone else’s mind any time soon.

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Ah damn, I should start counting then. So what’s that? 3?


Preach on, my brotha!


I want this to get 20 likes.

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I don’t like cross play. It is bad on ranked. I don’t like to waste time and XB1 players take so long to load it is stupid. Let’s have an option…

There is, turn off allow cross play unless in ranked you can’t then that sucks.

If only sarcasm were a font. Were it so easy…XD