yeah prob just a regular clutch into recapture but still for no chance to break and into Ultra is frustrating when we are both in danger.
Im not suggestion to make it breakable…my whole point of this post was “why cant I break it?” what am I missing?"
So to find out its not break able answers my question
I love ending a match with clutch, antlion, ultra.
They always try to break the antlion which causes that nice grey timing lookout symbol to appear.
Whenever the clutch hits, I know it’s already over. But they don’t so in sadistic, cruel way, I really enjoy seeing them try to escape.
So you are saying there is 100% no chance of breaking this combo?
Kan Ra cheats
Those unbreakables…
If Kan-Ra gets you in clutch and manages to maneuver you over a pit of sand, then yes, clutch > antlion > ultra is the same as opener > ultra.
Actually is not the highest damaging meterless opener-ultra in the game… it just LOOKS that could be breakable.
I’m totally fine with this
You gotta hold that seraphs jk. But yeah kan ea gets significant damage and ultra opportunity from it.
I could also do stagger, stagger, clutch, antlion, ultra and you’ll read the book no matter how hard you mash CB.
Why wouldnt the 2nd stagger be break able?
It’s only the second manual in the string. Shago and Tusk stagger normals are the only ones tagged with a special “opener” property as far as I know.
I asked becasue I was pretty sure I could break Shagos 2nd stagger when they try and do it 3 times in a row.
Well thats odd that Kan can and they cant.
Well, more odd that Shago’s stagger is an opener really. That’s pretty rare across the cast.
But yeah, axe kick->axe kick is breakable.
Is Kan Ra’s standing HK breakable as a second stagger? Like doing back HP (stagger) then standing HK (second stagger) for example. I can’t seem to recall if it is at the moment but I seem to remember that it can be counted as a projectile?
St. HK is a breakable projectile but not an opener.
So yes, you can do St. HK into St. HK and it will not be breakable because there was no opener.
Back+HP into Back+HP is also unbreakable
Three st. HKs are breakable because of that special 3 normal rule
Ra can do the following corner combo
St. HK, St. HK, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK, instinct cancel, antlion xx ultra or ender
Completely unbreakable. (EDIT: SEE BELOW)
Ra has weird buttons.
EDIT: As Infil said below, cr. HK xx instinct indeed is breakable.
I am definitely going to steal this. It sounds super dirty. Lol
Edit: Get it? Dirty? Cause he’s kicking lots of sand on the opponent?
I’ll be here all week.
Unless that’s ultra afterwards, that’s gotta be breakable as opener > ender.
Opener > ultra, though, yeah, i don’t think you could do anything about this sequence.
Clutch is an opener. Antlion too.
Shadow spike is an unbreakable projectile.
Cr. HK is a manual. It would be the only break point but it gets instinct cancelled which makes it unbreakable.
Antlion is unbreakable because it’s a projectile
So you have:
stagger, stagger, OPENER, projectile/recap, shadow projectile, instinct cancelled MANUAL, projectile/recap, ENDER/ultra
The opener>ender rule does not apply.
EDIT: As Infil said below, cr. HK xx instinct indeed is breakable.
That string does massive damage due to shadow spike. But if you really want to do it use back+hp instead of st. HK. IIRC it scales better.
On the other hand, you might need a standing HK for the trap.
I forgot, you can even extend that string if you add a lvl 4 spike ender
Back+HP, standing HK, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK xx instinct, antlion, spike ender, antlion, ender/ultra
The spike ender is Ra’s 2nd most damaging ender and might bring your opponent to the danger zone. Just recap with antlion into ultra from here.
I tried it out in training and it does actually work. Although you can get broken on the crouching HK if you don’t instinct cancel in time.
Okay made some additional tests. The difference between back+HP and st. HK is huge
st. HK, st. HK, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK xx instinct, antlion, shadow clutch -> 55%
st. HK, back+HP, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK xx instinct, antlion, shadow clutch -> 57%
back+HP, st. HK, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK xx instinct, antlion, shadow clutch -> 60%
in case there already is a trap in the corner you can skip the st. HKs
back+HP, back+HP, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK xx instinct, antlion, shadow clutch -> 63%
If you only have 1 meter and use the regular clutch ender you get 56% with double back+HP
Lets say you add a little PD so you get a lvl 4 spike ender
with the PD of a throw I got
back+HP, back+HP, clutch, antlion, shadow spike, cr. HK xx instinct, antlion, stinger ender, antlion, shadow clutch -> 74%
If you only have 1 meter and use the regular clutch ender you get 56% with double back+HP
with a lvl 4 spike ender you should get around 55%. Keep in mind that you can combo that into antlion xx ultra
all 100% unbreakable (EDIT SEE BELOW)
EDIT: As Infil said below, cr. HK xx instinct indeed is breakable.