Better cinder designs

Well is new design is Ok but if there was no mouth, no salad fingers, his armour looking more jagged and dark like molten rock and him not wearing a pear of Usain bolts shoes then it would be really good…Also his alien head looks…um odd (but i can live with it)

This is prety much the worst one I’ve seen of Cinder it’s just a normal guy on fire.

When I saw a number of characters getting their new look I honesty never knew what to expect from Cinder, but I know I would love it if it was as close as possible but still new. To be honest I think we got just that in my opinion.

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everything on Cinder’s redesign are stupid. The mask, the pad shoulders, the middle pads and even the animation of his flames. Awful. Either his retro isn’t that straight with the pointy fingers and bad flame animations through his shoulders and head. I’m only ok with his hands, shoes and the exhauster at his back. The rest is just garbage. I’ll wait for the PC mods. I know there’s going to be kicking-■■■ mods for Cinder. Poor boy, he deserve the best.

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I do agree the design isnt too good, i mostly use the classic costume, but look at the earliest concepts for cinder, he looked a lot worse.


I love the new design. I really like it. I feel what people is showing here as examples are really bad (sorry my opinion). I think they cannot see how hard is to build a model. I truly know because of my work, and I feel Cinder design is outstanding, maybe some disconnection between face and the body (but in general is not bad, I would have done another face tough, I just don’t get that mask excuse) The only thing that I feel is not working is the animation. For some reason I love to see the pictures of Cinder, but when I play him and start to see those clampsy hands, the stance movement, those fingers collapsing… I just feel something is wrong. I want people to tell me what you think about it.


Honestly I agree with this, even though this ENTIRE TOPIC is OPINION and the subject has been beating to death more so then a dead-horse. It’s even got dead horses being strung up like puppets beating another dead-horse.

@CrimsonScorch88 just save up and see if you cna buy Cinder’s retro costume without having to buy the Ultra-pack sure it isn’t perfect but if you want something closer to old Cinder that’s about as good as it can get.

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Not considering Omen, Cinder has the most disappointing design in the entire game, beating even TJ Combo.


Omen is something that I pray everyday to get a proper design.

I am that kind of person that if I give you something I want to give you my best, no excuses. If I cannot reach that bar, then I will cancel it or delay it.

Omen needs hours and hours of work. He needs meetings, discussions, tries and more creativity.

That looks too much like Agni from Smite imo.

Honestly, I think the new design is really good. Not as good as some fan designs were, but it’s still pretty good.

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I think a 6/10 is far generous for Cinder, I personally would give him a 3-4/10. I think the mask was a great idea and how it forms on his face, but the armor looks tacky and the long fingers feel unnecessary. I really think IG tried to hard with Cinder, he’s a simple design and didn’t need so much flare to make him look great.

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Agreed. I would give him a 4/0 at best. Only if MS/IG could have done with Cinder what MS/DH did with Glacius.

I still believe it’s mainly because of Cinder’s unsavory art design that he’s one of the least popular characters in the game and less because of his relatively complicated gameplay.

No. I think IG tried to make him too alien like
was the thing and they even redesigned him from their first concept and it became disasterous. With Riptor who I was very impressed and would rank 9.5-10/10, they had a solid foundation for her to be a realistic Dinosaur which was fractionally different than the Reptilian DNA human fusion. I personally think If they added a little flair to Cinder and didn’t deviate to far from what he was in KI1994, he would have at least be a good design if not great(and not to mention, a whole lot less effort would have been used).


I didn’t mean alien-like, but rather how well Glacius turned out despite the risks taken with his redesign. I feel like they tried to accomplish the same with Cinder but dropped the ball entirely.

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how do you feel about his classic costume? it’s an 8/10 for me

There were a lot of risks taken when they were designing Cinder. Quite possibly more than any of the other characters. He went through many different designs and ideas.

Giving him a mouth was one of them as they were showing examples of how it would look without a mouth.

They were considering giving him a different neutral stance.

They even made changes to Cinder’s design after he was initially ready. Even after his teaser in Hisako’s trailer they were still making changes.

And they can’t control how well their redesign turns out in the eyes of the public. That’s up to us, not them.

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Riptors design is ■■■■■■ retarded… She doesn’t feel like a beast of power anymore. They ruined the character.

While I can understand why people have problems with Cinders new design, at least he’s the same character he always was, and isn’t some terrible bastardization of the original character. Cinder is still Ben Ferris, and he still has the same personality, moveset (for the most part), and he plays similar.

Riptor, on the other hand… She’s not even the same character. The new Riptor is garbage


You guys still beating up that dead horse? it must be mush right now. lol

personally I like RIptor’s new look and I still love the old look just as much : U I’m just glad they didn’ throw any weird car genes or anything into her like someone else wanted. or made her default covered in feathers and left that as an accessory. However this is not about Riptor this is about Cinder

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again, i own ultra dlc since April of this year. And im still feeling bad for his default. Doesn’t matter if they are going to allow mods online or not. I have this idea of modding Cinder and give him something just simple and not a mixed containment suit.[quote=“Frodo54, post:36, topic:2117, full:true”]
Riptors design is ■■■■■■ retarded… She doesn’t feel like a beast of power anymore. They ruined the character.

While I can understand why people have problems with Cinders new design, at least he’s the same character he always was, and isn’t some terrible bastardization of the original character. Cinder is still Ben Ferris, and he still has the same personality, moveset (for the most part), and he plays similar.

Riptor, on the other hand… She’s not even the same character. The new Riptor is garbage

Ha ha! Looks like im not the only one dissatisfied with the default look of the characters. Mods all the way! Gotta agree the new Riptor seems to be Yoshi. She’s most likely a lovely dino now. Especially on color 2.

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His voice though, it could have been better.


" I would not want to be you today!" It’s like come on IG you could do better than that! I don’t expect a legendary quote but something simple to do with fire and “I’m having too much fun!” I’m just too hot would have been 1000x better than that!

It’s passable but not great. The long fingers and the thick and short limbs kinda ruin it for me. Weak 7/10.

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