Why is there no Aria thread for this yet? I know there’s only like three of us that play her on here but still. Anywho here are my thoughts on a few of the changes.
[-] Slowed the attack speed of Explosive Arc Linkers so that the different strengths are more readable.
[-] Widened the breakable window on Explosive Arc Linkers by 5 frames.
This I think is a pretty big nerf. Her doubles are super easy to read and her shotgun linkers are easy to count the hits on so it was nice having an ambiguous linker. Hopefully the new version allows for easier manuals to compensate.
[-] When Drones are called as an assist and get hit, they now take 2.5x damage, up from 2x.
Don’t mind this too much. Hardly anyone ever hits the drones anyway (even though they really should)
[-] Shotgun Knees are now more negative on block. Light Version is -3 (was -1) Medium Version is -5 (was -4) Heavy Version is -10 (was -8)
Again don’t mind this too much. Light and Medium are still mostly safe, and since I usually only shotgun knee with bass assist covering me it never really mattered how negative on block they were. It will get slightly more annoying when I’m down to my last body though.
[+] Shadow Dissonance launches and causes a hard knockdown. It is possible to juggle after this move now.
Not sure what to think of this. Since you have to be in bass body to use the move being able to juggle after it seems random since you can’t cash out. But you could juggle into a flipout and use the godlike bass dash to go for a reset, I’ll have to lab that out to see what works.
[+] Crescendo causes stagger (grounded Med and Hvy versions still launch).
This should be interesting. It’ll make it a lot easier for her to break the combo system with assist calls after the staggers. (unless they changed the manual cancel window on the crescendos for the stagger.)
[+] Standing LK and Jumping LP cause Flipout.
This is going to be fun.
[+] Heavy Kick and Bombs deal less KV for increased juggle opportunities.
[+] Heavy Kick Bombs don’t push opponents as far away on hit for increased juggle opportunities.
[+] Juggle values on normal attacks adjusted for increased juggle opportunities.
[+] Improvements to the attack boxes on Standing HK, Close Standing HK, and Crouching HK.
This stuff just makes sense and was something I complained about when she first came out. Why did she have so many moves that launched when she couldn’t juggle because of the high amount of KV they added? I’m already testing stuff that should work once S3 comes out.
[+] New Target Strings: Operatic Destruction! -Standing LK into Standing HK (does not combo) -Standing MP into Standing HK (does not combo) -Standing HP into Standing HK -Standing Close MP into Standing HK -Standing Close HP into Standing HK
[+] New ability: Charge Up Bombs! Can now hold far standing HK to charge up the attack and release additional grenades. You can dash cancel in either direction while charging up. If you perform a target string into Standing HK, you can still charge up and dash cancel as desired, opening up new frame traps and offensive techniques.
This is going to be amazing, I love dash cancelling, Riptor was my favorite character until they removed her fancy dash cancelled predator combos. I can’t wait to test this out.
All in all it feels like Aria got buffed a lot more than nerfed, and not only that but she got buffed in ways that I simply love. Plus judging from those S3 exhibitions the new lighting looks amazing on her. Aria favorite character confirmed.