Arbiter Live Stream - March 1st 4pm CST

Based on the info from the Halo post, i think he will be a brand new type of zoner.

He has 3 different ender modifiers, and i think they are for putting your opponent at different positions on the screen. I think you are supposed to pick the “zone” you put your opponent at depending on your situation.

Put them far to get a new grenade.
Put them medium to reload the carbine,
Put them close to start a “camouflage” assult.

The way they worded it, “Camouflage assult” sounds like a move similar to Riptors tail flip. You input the move, then automatically go “camo” and start attacking a side. Its probably a 50-50 guess for your opponent to read and punish.

Again, this part is probably better off in a thread about this specific topic, don’t you think? Why debate all that here when you can direct the attention directly to it’s own thread for answers?

I’m willing to stop by and share my point of view, but I’m really done talking about that stuff here.


Its pretty not good.

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Can’t wait to check it out when I get off tomorrow.

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@TempusChaoti @rukizzel Can you guys please delete everything Pony related above? I unintentionally started a de-railing, then added even more to it. Sorry.

I abandoned this thread long ago, but do not worry about a mass culling since you all got it back on topic on your own.


You are forgetting this time we are getting a whole new lighting system which if you look at the previews they showed looks phenomenal like the whole graphics were reworked. We are getting rebalances and reworks for the entire cast! S1 & S2 with some new moves and other things. They are adding a new and improved story mode this time around plus changing the whole games layout plus making new characters. All of this is major stuff not just simple characters and stages not to mention the PC port probably had something to do with the budget.

Just because we are only getting 3 stages doesn’t equal more characters. I think we are already getting a ton of stuff as is but that is just my opinion. I wouldn’t mind 12 characters at all if we still got all that we already know in top of that xD

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A lot of the new stuff, including the lighting changes, will be free to all players. That makes me wonder what new things are going to be paid-only. We will probably get more than just characters and stages this time. I think they have something special up their sleeve that they havent said anything about yet.

I personally expect shadow characters and shadow stages. Because they fit with the story, and would make up for the lack of stages easily.

Hmmm. Starts at 5:30am. Do I take the day off work today or tomorrow? Difficult choices.
I can’t wait to see how the grenades and Carbine work. I think the Carbine will be limited to the 6 shots (not sure if its always a 3 round burst or whether you can choose up to 3 with lights, mediums or heavies), but more interestingly will the grenades be a pickup or another meter that recharges. Staying true to Halo gameplay, one would assume they’re pickups and that will interesting to see worked into the stages.

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I’m don’t have a problem with it really. I’m just surprised that this type of fan crossover appreciation actually extends this far. I don’t care for it myself, but I’m not going to knock it for someone else, if they like it. I never really understood the whole pony movement, and I’m not going to pretend to, but even though I don’t understand it, I’m not gonna walk on someone else’s enjoyment of it.

It really just kind of caught me a little off guard is all. The art is good quality too, so props to the artist for doing what he does.

Getting back on topic.

As far as the arbiter, I don’t think the purist zoner archetype is what the arbiter will play as. I think like Cinder, his plasma nades serve as more of a lockdown mechanism and a threat than a zoning mechanic. To me, the arbiter has stood like the pinnacle of the Sanghelli warriors, like the greatest of samurai, and I don’t see a Samurai like figure taking on a zoning role, regardless of the technologies he employs. At the end of the day, the Arbiter’s game plan is honorable hand to hand, with the sword talking all the business.

I think what the Carbine will come down to is maybe some anti air (possibly) but mostly some juggle combos, seeing as the game is for season 3 being re-tooled to have more focus on the creative juggle combos for more damage. The season 3 will have a bigger focus on shadow moves that act as enders to cash potential damage. A lot of what you see with Shadow Jago’s design I believe marks the beginning of Season 3 already, built in mind with many of the systems and new mechanics.

Also, what if IG pulled off some super hype stuff and surprised with a day one season 3 launch, similar to how they surprised us at E3 with Rash being playable the moment they made the announcement?

I honestly did not expect anyone would cros KI and Ponys, but considering that they’ve been crossed over with many other things I should of seen it coming.

Wow this I did not expect. lol


That’s pretty sweet, I’ll be off the clock by that time, will be able to watch it from start to finish. Can’t wait for all the exciting stuff to unfold!

Hey any chance we can get it streamed on YouTube as well?

6 am? So we’re also getting something early in the morning? A trailer perhaps?

The press embargo from the info on Feb 25th gets lifted then.

And the Arbiter stream at 4 cst

Unfortunately I wouldn’t expect much

We will most likely find out more during the Arbiter stream but wouldn’t expect much before then.

“huge announces” in this case is relative. For instance, we have a lot to look forward to. He’s saying that people may be thinking warning complete made up scenario “Xbox 2Hunnid Coming in 2017 with blah blah blah” ya know?

Like announcements on par with E3 “bombs.” All he’s doing is saying that is not the case.


Rukari, I’m so glad you’re here to bring the civil.

All these flavors, and you choose to be cool.

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