Anyone else nervous about this?

Not like this hasn’t happened before. Look at the majority of fighting games that have come out throughout history. I mean, come on. Street Fighter, Tekken, MK, KOF, VF, DOA, Guilty Gear, Blazblue, Smash, the list goes on I’m sure.

Besides, even in those other games including this one, at least the moves are different in some way. It’s really nothing.

I have not…

Alright then.
A clone character is a character that resembles another already established character, whether it is in appearance or gameplay… or both.

It’s not necessarily a direct copy, but have obvious resemblances to the other character.

For example, Ken is a rather obvious clone of Ryu, both in looks and gameplay. However, he has evolved some unique tech to his moves and is slowly moving away from looking like a “red Ryu with blonde hair” by adding some other clothes to his main look, such as sporting a t-shirt and with his gi-shirt hanging from his belt. Stuff like that.
Then there’s a character like Sakura whose moveset is obviously inspired by Ryu without looking exactly like it, and she even fashions herself with a headband just like Ryu, though she wears a schoolgirl’s outfit.
And then there’s Sagat who doesn’t look like Ryu at all, but he has a fireball and an uppercut that resembles Ryu’s. In SF lore, it’s because Ryu gave Sagat his scar with a Dragon Punch, and that’s why Sagat has tried to copy it. How much of a clone character he is though is debatable, as it is basically just his uppercut that is a copied move. Because though he does have fireballs, they are somewhat different. He would indeed be on the far end of the clone character spectrum though.

Some smart-asses would say “He punches and kicks, and this character also punches and kicks, then he must be a clone character!”, but no… unless those punches and kicks animates just like the other character, then he wouldn’t be a clone character.

It also covers alternate versions of a character, such as Evil Ryu or Shadow Jago.

This is why Kilgore is a clone character. He shares alot of moves with Fulgore, most of his normals being directly taken from Fulgore, and his design resembles Fulgore’s as well, due to him being a prototype version of him. However, because of his chaingun arms, his tech is different as well, adding the bullets to some of his special attacks. Sure, he has some unique features and special moves, but there are enough resemblances to Fulgore that makes him a clone character.

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It’s not really helpful to anyone to call him a clone character when his gameplay is so different from fulgore’s. It will definitely give people that haven’t played as/against him the wrong impression.


But it isn’t a wrong impression. Because that’s what he is.

They have some shared animations but their overall gameplay is totally different, with very different specials and wholly separate systems. If your definition of clone glosses over all of that, fine, but you should recognize that to many people, “clone” has implications beyond just sharing animations.


So what you are telling me is basically “don’t use that word, because SOME people might think otherwise”… That’s not my problem, however, I am more than happy to explain what it means if people are in doubt.

I don’t want to start “The Clone Wars” :laughing:, but have you played as Kilgore yet? Fulgore and Kilgore are as different as Jago and Shadow Jago.

Why can’t people just be happy that were are getting characters after the season?


A clone is dark pit and pit, mu13 and lamda 11 in blazeblue, mario and dr mario, lucina , marth and roy. From ur saying, mario and luigi are clones and decapre and cammy are clones, ken and ryu, jago and fulgore are clones too which is complete wrong and misleading. Stop with this BS

You completely missed the point of what I said above.

No, per definition as I stated above, that’s the case.

Im sure right now u are like “me against the world” n u feel like a boss replying with one liners. Keep it on lol

Not really, no.
I just already explained a few posts above and I don’t care to repeat myself.

You can have your definition, but understand that that’s not the definition that the rest of the world uses so you throwing the phrase around causes problems.


And how is it causing problems? Just because some people disagree with me doesn’t mean I should change anything.
My definition of what a clone character is isn’t wrong. I made it very clear above what I mean by it and I am not hurting anyone at all. Not one bit.

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There’s value in clarity and reducing the possibility of misunderstandings.


But there’s nothing to misunderstand. Kilgore falls within the spectrum of a clone character, and for several reasons, as mentioned above. And I don’t need to defend that.

However, you and others seeing the definition of “clone character” as something negative, a label you don’t want to see being put on Kilgore for whatever reason… well, that’s not something I can do anything about.

Kilgore is simply not a unique character. He clearly has copy/pasted animations from Fulgore, he clearly has a look taken and inspired from Fulgore, though with some changes, and even his name shows that he is a clone of Fulgore.

I’m sorry if you don’t like it or disagree with it, but again, that’s not my problem.

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I’ll get back to you in a bit, I’ve got a brick wall to talk to.


Yeah, me too.

My one and ONLY concern is that I hope these 3 characters aren’t happening INSTEAD of a full blown season 4. The character select screen has enough slots for a another full blown 8 character season. 4 on either side of the random slot up top now. Also 2 more on the left side and 2 more on the right side. So there’s room for 12 more slots to make the character select screen perfectly even. That’s besides the point though, I just hope these 3 characters are somebody they’re working on to fill in some time before season 4 is announced.

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Kilgore plays nothing like fulgore. He doesnt even teleport. Teleporting is everything when you play fulgore. Kilgore is a gunner.