Any way to roll back to Season 2?

Where did you get that Ubisoft skin for TJ?


Nice lol thanks for that dude. He looks a lot different than I was expecting but it still looks pretty good.

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Comment of the century. A++++++


I have not personally experienced most of the bugs that people have complained about, but when i try to imagine what it would be like if i DID have those bugs, i can begin to understand why people are so upset.

Its bad enough having to deal with the ā€œuniversalā€ bugs, but to ALSO have your ranked stats reset every day??? Must feel bad. And i have not been seeing the devs reply to people who post about those issues. They have always been AWESOME about doing that, so i assume they are preparing a few patches that will sort everything out.


This is how I see it, if Iā€™m seeing the bug, even if Iā€™m in the minority, someone else is seeing the bug, so itā€™s probably in our best interests to post the bug with detailed repro steps and maybe give IG a hand in getting these issues resolved. Believe me, I was FUMING earlier regarding this, and I will say that I am quite disappointed in not only the way this gameā€™s rollout was handled, but in microsoft themselves for allowing one of their games to ship in such a broken state.

Moving forward, letā€™s focus on getting these issues documented as well as possible and in doing so, assist IG, whom I do NOT envy at this point in time, so that these bugs can be fixed sooner rather than later.

Love the icon btw.


The closest bug Iā€™ve seen to these is a weird color-change issue with TJā€™s accessories. In a lot of games, theyā€™ll often appear orange instead of their usual colors.

Iā€™ve seen before on the forums somebody said maskless Jago looks like Sean Penn.

But yeah, this glitch is awesome, and I remember it popped up in season 1, so to see it again is really awesome.

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In season 1 you could also occasionally get orchid with no legs.

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Odd no bugs found on my xb1 version of KI s3.

The difference with this game is you know it improves with every update.

S1 improved
S2 improved
S3 will impove.

Unlike other games thst are put down and never touched again or are only adjusted for minor things.

Iā€™m not sure ps4 has amazing diversety in its titles. Itā€™s pretty much the same as xbox oneā€¦ with less games!

In season 2, I once got Hisako with no torso. I captured that on my elgato for posterityā€™s sake. Iā€™ve been contemplating putting that on youtube.

Ignore the fanboys, the forum needs these people or else it would just be a bunch of negativity but they come at a cost. I think you make legitimate points and I also think that having the ability to play the game you paid for when you purchased it has some merit.

Lets look at Smash Melee as an example. Imagine if Smash 4 was instead a forced update to Melee, thereby killing the Melee scene forever. That would certainly upset a lot of people.

But this isnā€™t even about a distaste for S3 gameplay its about not wanting to play a buggy version of the game which the OP has proven to be the case. I donā€™t know how you can argue that, thatā€™s okay. (Well I do, you have rampant fandboyism coursing through your veins).

I would just add despite enjoying season 3, and really appreciating the crossplay, crossbuy and performance/visual improvements of the PC version. In general as a port I find it only passable. To be critical the video options are severely lacking and the key rebindings are also poor. IG is lucky this wanā€™t released on steam as the numerous bugs would have affected reviews greatly.

All of that said, I personally really love season 3 and the business model theyā€™re using. And hey, as far as the PC port goes itā€™s a heck of a lot better than what IG did with Batman (which eventually got pulled from steams store for how bad it was). Theyā€™re getting better, so youā€™re right I think theyā€™ll eventually get everything ironed out. Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with nagging bugs until that time.

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While he may have proven that there are bugs, what he hasnā€™t shown is how frequent these bugs actually are. They may, in fact, be very rare and infrequent as to not be that big of a deal at all (although it still would be nice to have them fixed, certainly). Besides, while having missing body parts might be annoying, I donā€™t think itā€™s necessarily game-breaking. With even a modicum of experience, youā€™re still going to have an idea of your opponentā€™s reach and capabilities and still be able to identify a large portion of their moveset simply by how the visible parts alone move.

Can he still play the game, yeah thatā€™s probably the case. But youā€™re suggestion is really based on subjectivity. Iā€™m a snob when it comes to performance, typically if itā€™s running at less than 60 frames Iā€™m not interested in playing it. Itā€™s arguable that the game can still be played but itā€™s subjective from a preference stand point. Heā€™s not wrong, and neither are you. I simply respect his opinion that heā€™s not interested in playing under those circumstances and he didnā€™t have to play under those circumstances when he bought the game back in season 2.

Heā€™s not saying get rid of season 3. Heā€™s not even saying the Season 2 version should be available onine. Heā€™s saying let me play the previous version of the game that I paid for offline because it doesnā€™t have the bugs Season 3 has, and he personally has more fun with it because of that. In a perfect world where the devā€™s have unlimited resources, itā€™s not an unreasonable request.

Do they have the time? is he a small minority? Yeah probably. Should they make it a priority? Who knows none of us know what issues they are prioritizing and dealing with. My main point is that his concerns are legitimate and telling him to just deal with it is kind of ignorant.


Hey there!
I was browsing through the conversation and donā€™t know if it has been answered yet, but the ports of the original KI and KI2 games are NOT included in the PC version, so youā€™ll have to keep the Xbox for those.

I am too an old school KI fan and I bought the console exclusively for KI. Havenā€™t regret it so far. And I got other games like MKX, Rise of Tomb Raider, Ryse, Rare Replay, several digital titles that are common to both X1 and PS4 as well as some retrocompatible titles from games that I already had (I also had an X360).

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Um, many of the bugs he listed, particularly with the missing body parts, WERE PRESENT DURING S2. I know, I was there and I witnessed them. So, even if he rolled back to S2, heā€™d still have them. I donā€™t recall seeing them in S1, but if you roll back that far, then youā€™re severely limiting the amount of characters you can play. :wink:

Just going off what he said bud. He said he didnā€™t have those bugs in season 2. And Iā€™m sure heā€™s aware that heā€™d lose some of the cast.

For me S3 works great so if I want to speak anecdotally everything is great. But I also realize my experience is not the same as everyoneā€™s.

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lol :laughing:


u are nope alone i feel the same too . sorry guyzā€¦ this S3 is too soft hits for me. ive tried but i canā€™t.

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please explain me where ??? only in graphics and they took awaays all hard knockdown ender 4 to bring us that new ender 4 .wat wasnā€™t good with the olds enders 4???
now i feel every hits really like softy

This IS NOT A S3 BUG!!! Its been going around for over a year now! you could activate it on Aganosā€™s stage by doing a stage ultra and then immediately choosing rematch or something to that degree.

It has some thing to do with Stage ultras and re-matching.