Any Transformers fans here?

Well, Trypticon is taking some time to get stickers on him. I just do it until I start getting frustrated and then set him aside to put some more on later. I’m fairly close though, about 40 or so left. When I get done I’ll post a dino mode pic or 2.

As an aside though I did get a few more today, and while I like several of them, I had to show off this one, because of his connection to KI.

I present to you: Glacius!!

He’s a Minicon from the new Robots in Disguise series, and a Decepticon to boot. The toy itself is rather meh… he “transforms” into a torpedo for a larger figure by putting his legs together and his arms at his side…that’s it. And despite being a Minicon nowhere on it does have the traditional Minicon port that has been on all compatible TFs since the Armada series.

But still, He’s named Glacius, so yay!

