Sadira has been my Achilles’ heel since I could remember. Any Sadira who knows what’s she’s doing can really cause me much trouble and frustration when she’s doing all her pressure shenanigans. Since I rarely go against any serious Sadira mains, my matchup knowledge of this is horrible. Any advice on how to treat this matchup is appreciated. It would also be nice if someone offered to do some matches with me to learn the MU. Thanks for your time reading this!
Hit me up sometime. Ive taught plenty of people the MU and have been playing Sadira as a main since season 1.
Thanks for that! I’ll surely ask for a match once I’m not busy. Thanks!
@SoSRaGnArOk, @Iago407, think you guys could help him out.
Honestly, @SoSRaGnArOk would be a thousand times better than me. I could show OP how to react to basic level Sadira tomfoolery, but he seems to be having problems with better Sadiras, and I wouldn’t describe myself as one of those by any stretch of the imagination. But still, @FallibleJoker14, if you want to play a match or two, I’m game. Or at least I will be in the near future when my cold and cough go away.
Don’t sell yourself short, from what I’ve seen of your shadow I can tell you know a fair, good bit of practical stuff, your Sadie really throws me a curveball and scares me sometimes!
I feel like @DarkLrdChuckles needs tagging here too as his Sadira is the stuff of nightmares, he also promised to turn me into a top tier Sadira last time we played a set together, which is a nice thought, I’m not sure if I can see it happening, though.
Hey, thanks! I really appreciate it. I still have a LONG way to go before I’d consider myself a “good” Sadie player, but I’m still trying to get better. Your Maya shadow scares the crap out of me, so coming from you, I’ll definitely take the compliment!
Haha, thanks, but I’m losing so much with her lately all I can see is gaps in my knowledge/my reactions not being as fast/good as they were!
I’d have picked up more shadow bounties but Shadow Lab still seems to have that duplication bug going on and I can never get to the bottom of my list! We still definitely need a real set sometime, though I can’t remember the last time I saw you online on the Xbox app, timezone difference maybe?
(Sorry OP I’ll try not to crud up this thread too much more! )
I’ll eventually send an invite to a set for everyone that offered their help. Going against just one player won’t help me as much as going against many would. Thank you guys for your help!
I’m down to help in any way I can. Shoot me an invite any time. @NitricZenith you’re gonna have a fearsome Sadira just you wait!
When I’m back up and running you can have a go at my Sadira as well @FallibleJoker14. She’s a bit rusty at this point, but pretty sure I could show you a thing or three.
Wow… that actually made me blush. Thanks!!!
In respect to the request. I’d be glad to lend a hand when I’m on.
The one thing that helps a lot of the people that have asked for my help against Sadira, is learning to properly pressure her. The biggest mistake most people make when fighting Sadira is respecting her. You absolutely can’t. It’s well worth it to take a few lumps getting to her, than to try and outmaneuver her or dodge her attacks. At this point and time she doesn’t do that much damage, and the sooner you can get in on her, the better.
Remember this, Sadira completely falls apart when pressured, especially corner pressure. Without meter or Instinct, her defense falls apart fast. While I skilled Sadira will always find a way out, even still it won’t be without a huge loss of life.
Yeah that’s actually keeping me out of the mode entirely for the time being. I miss it though, even if my Sadie’s record is laughably bad lol.
I haven’t been on as much in the last month or so and when I’m able to, it doesn’t seem to be for as long. Juat a busy summer, for whatever reason. Lots of travel. Lots of work. Also been trying to exercise in the evenings more.
But now it’s allergy season, so I look forward to shutting myself in like a mole person and playing as much KI as humanly possible, so hopefully I’ll see you online and we can play a few rounds!
Chuckles is the bane of my existence.
Careful, don’t mention his name a third time or he’ll appear and silly string your houses into oblivion!
Speaking of Shadows, can you do me the biggest favor Nitric and fight against mine? I have been trying to build my shadow but fear it will lose to silly spam, grabs or things I wouldn’t normally let slide.
I would but I’m hoping beyond hope this bug with it gets a patch soon, I can never tell what bounties are new because the list duplicates and scrolls (sort of) forever. I’ll start off with one fight and go from there though, I’m just not responding to as many as I can never get through my bounty list due to all the duplicate bounties.
Ouch, I didn’t realize the bounties were bugged. I normally just select which friends to fight instead of going into the bounties menu… I wonder if mine is a mess since I haven’t touched the mode in months.
It’s been too long since the Spider and the Tiger have met. We should change that.