Am I the only one getting bored? :/

Normally I’d say a February/March release is a good time to release your game if you don’t want competition, but between February and April next year, there are going to be a TON of really high profile games released. I think the lineup will be stronger than the Christmas release schedule this year (which says a lot, because Just Cause 3, aka the best game of all time, is coming out in December).

I think it’s really, really important for KI to beat SF5 to market by a month or more, and I think the PC version needs to beat it to market by at least two months. I hope IG/MS agrees with me. :\

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True. I almost forgot about Doom4’s spring release.
Carp, too many good games, not enough time. :frowning:

Exactly, it’s not about the game itself but the non existent info.

Textual streams with anything about Shajo, the PC version, Season 3, would be pretty nice.

I think the main reason they’re holding back right now (but might open up in the near future) is simply that nothing’s done enough that they feel ready to show us yet. I mean, Isgreen’s leg teaser vines only work because we know there’s something else besides just the leg.

Even just feedback on how you guys enjoyed Season 2 would be appreciated. Did you implement your vision fully? Discussing season 2 and things like for example reflecting on your good job in delivering Aganos or sharing thoughts on Aria’s development process.

Game updates are nice but Season 2 is done, so it is more news about Season 3 or reflection on the game’s current state that I as a fan would love to hear (in a textual stream for example).

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Ideally I would love to hear about their vision for S3’s balance. What are the general things (not necessarily specific things) you liked in S2 and what didn’t you like? Things like “we are removing all safe counter breakers” was appreciated last season because, whether we agree or not, we at least know what the vision is and what we can expect the game to play like.

… I say that, but I know that them giving us that information will spark a bunch of nonsensical wild goose chases in the forums, so I can sort of understand why they’re not giving it to us. :disappointed:

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You know its bad when its more fun to post on the forums than playing lol.


Id like to see a S2 Ultra Fan book!!! S1 edition is awesome!


Sorry to tell you but Just Cause just sucks :stuck_out_tongue:

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You were doing so well until you posted this. :disappointed:

This is why I don’t like KI as a season based game. It always feels like you’re waiting for the next piece. For story based games, this may work, but not for a fighting game.

I agree not in terms of the game but the information coming to us.

We have gone back to KI season 1 release frame work when actually season 2 is much better for hype.

Hype for fans can be generated from almost anything so i find it kinda lazy.

I really enjoyed the constant flow of information (and updates to the game) that we saw in Season 2. But to be fair, between S1 and S2 the community pretty much made it clear to MS and IG that we would jump all over any new info with a microscope in one hand and a butcher knife in the other - criticizing, complaining and generally freaking out any time we saw anything that wasn’t polished to perfection - and exactly like we expected it to be. The flip side of hype is scathing community backlash over minutiae.

Obviously this isn’t everyone, but it is enough people that it’s clear the community wasn’t able to live up to it’s end of the “social contract” for getting access to work in progress information. We can’t ask for details on a work in progress, then go back through six months of material quoting tweets and off the cuff remarks so that we can scream “you lied to me!!!” whenever anything changes and then expect that they are going to continue to give us work in progress updates.



Never forget.

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You can’t play the same game for too long and never get bored of it…

Passion. The name says it all. PASSion. It passes.

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