Rash gets a LOT of hate as he is the best character in the game. His hatred actually exceeds Sadira’s. When he first came out, he was actually banned from tourneys. Oddly enough Sadira is one of the few characters that can give him trouble. He has no losing battles, but Sadira at least can make things slightly more difficult.
Rash can go get eaten by a turtle. That is all.
How about this Eagle mu? I played an Eagle today and was struggling to get in. But once I got close, or he got close to me, he used his eagle to make his attacks safe.
He can easily vortex you to death in the corner thanks to a mix of the bird and overhead arrows.
Eagle has pretty lousy defense. As Sadira you have play it slow. The Bird is annoying, but also has a cool down.
Much like Sadira, once you knock down Eagle, he has no wake up defense. You can bait bird uses… he does a Shadow attack and you block, 90 or nothing he’s gonna use screech. If Eagle is cornered, he’s gonna detonate the bird to push you back.
Sadira actually does pretty well in this match up, it just takes patience.
I still find myself struggling in MU that are S3+ characters. I just don’t have to time the fully explore these, so I’m just going to rush in and try to figure them out in the match themselves.
Another thing, I find being stuck in the corner with Sadira is way more troublesome than it was when I was active. Either my defense isn’t up to par anymore (a strong possibility), people have just figured out how to keep her there (another possibility), or everyone is just better at keeping her locked down once she’s there. It has really been a story of, ‘don’t get cornered’ b/c if you do you are dead.
Sadira has always struggled in the corner, but the arrival of the S3 cast certainly exaggerated that weakness, Eyedol, Thunder, Gargos, Arbiter, and Orchid are pretty bad for Sadira in the corner.
Eagle can be bad as well, but a lot of pressure has holes in it. It’s just one of the things you have to learn to see.
Sam D and I discussed that Sadira’s H Recluse should have been turned into a fully invincible DP, like Glacius Puddle Punch.
IG gave Sadira a lot of cool tools, but nothing to help her against the MUs she struggles against.
Dude! You and I have been saying that since the start of the forums (about shadow recluse)