A way to distinguish good killers from average ones

Actually, it is stat manipulation and could be considered cheating. It’s cheating because the individual is purposely manipulating the Ranking system in order to fight far less skilled players in order to boost his/her stats.

Oh yeah I forgot about stats, still it’s an ultimate form of douchebaggary.

IG disabled blocking gamertags, but then again they’d just do the same douchey things just under different accounts. it be better to block IP’s. all though only static IPs would be blocked and not dynamic.!heck there’s even ways around that. lol

I kind of feel like we have that already with the pro stars from being in the top 32.

no, just cause those guys play gang busters of hours getting there. what about the people who are better than the top 32 players but just don’t have the time to grind it out to make it?