A Commentator/Competitors Opinion on the New Level 4 Enders

There is every chance they could delay the game. Revert to an earlier build in the meantime. But there’s a good chance they’ll just go back to what it was and not bother with it.
As many have said it was never broke to begin with why change it.
We don’t know what’s next, they been very quiet on it

That is true in my assessment. I can think of some games that weren’t terrible and got a decent amount of updates after their release, but their initial state doomed them on PC and they never recovered, but did a lot better on consoles. Titanfall and Evolve are good examples. They didn’t even have performance problems like MKX, it was about some design decisions and the amount of content they had to offer initially.


I’m sure it’ll be refined. I appreciate that it’s cheesy in the tradition of 90s KI. :wink:


If they wanted to add a cinematic feel to the game, they should have just put in ultimates for every character and not wasted their time with this. Juggle enders are extremely jarring, and I can only imagine how bad wallsplats are.

Again, though, it’s the background that makes it look bad. Fix the way the camera moves (as in make it more fluid) and remove the background, and I think the problems evaporate.

Hopefully they change this bad decision before it’s too late, unlike some others (I’m looking at you, Shadow effects)

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I don’t pair it with the purple mist. Otherwise I have stated it.

LMAO!!! I have brought in the best for this.


Oh man that looks horrible! lol

I really dislike the added effect. Usually, developers are quick to post about changes, such the purple shadow meter. They have been completely silent about this. I could maybe see it for a level 5 ender that ends a round, but for the amount of lockouts that happen, it’s going to get old quick.


Ok guys, so I just showed my sister the new enders. She doesn’t play, but she enjoys watching games and tournaments and such, and I’ve been slowly getting her to watch more KI matches recently.

When she saw the new enders, her exact reaction was “wtf was that?” I explained it to her, and she said something to the effect of that looks stupid.

Even outsiders don’t like it, and it seems that’s what it was made for


One outsider. Your sister doesn’t represent everyone. :wink:

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Yeah because she didn’t vote she liked it on a poll.

I feel dirty now.


You should! Go wash yourself, and scrub it good, get all the nasty off of you! XD

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Does sajam even play ki any more ?

Maybe we should get rid of the particle effects to, they might be distracting

Can’t forget Arbiters stage all those elites running might also be distracting, h,ell why even have stages why not just a blank back ground

Using a fallacy to invalidate someone’s argument?

Why does it upset you that many people disagree with the current state of the Lvl 4 Ender vfx?

Would you not like to see it improved?

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Those are all good points, and yeah the current implementation of the new level 4 ender effect we saw was very jarring and not an improvement over the current look.

I think if it’s restricted to Level 4 enders that end lifebars it would be okay. Having it for Level 4 Shadow Damager enders only could be fine too.

I have to say that I agree with the general consensus of not liking these new level 4 ender animations. I had the same reaction to the fade-to-black effect used on Shadow Jago. Unfortunately, it makes the game look somewhat cheap. I would have much rather been limited to using my Ultimate on a single stage than have to see that work-around each time I use it. However, I assumed others liked it and therefore said nothing.

These new animations are sadly worse. Not only do they look out of place and cheap but they interrupt the flow of the match, as others have pointed out more eloquently than myself. Despite how much time and effort I am sure went into the implementation of this feature I would kindly ask the developers to reconsider its inclusion into the game.

I’ve been showing it around to my friends and family, and so far they aren’t too hip on it either…

If it’s going to be put in game, it needs serious adjustment. Everything else I’ve seen on stream looks fantastic, and I still plan on getting the Ultra Edition today. This is just one caveat that I’d really like to see an adjustment to for the sake of my eyes. :dizzy_face:
I’ve seen lots of cool suggestions for how to improve it, at least. Part of the good of it being work on progress is that our feedback can effect it for the better. Omen’s Mask, Combo Assist, and some stages (Wulf and Fulgore come to mind) have had some nice improvements thanks largely in part to our opinions, both positive and negative.

I’m just hoping that good comes out of this. And hopefully the threads stay on the subject of the enders and what we’d like to have done with them. I’ve seem far too much poo flinging in these threads for my taste.

I have a feeling on March 29th we will be seeing the same things we saw on the stream.


There is a submission and testing process and things take time. 10 days until release doesn’t mean 10 days left to make a change for release. It’s very likely even if they wanted to make a change for launch it’s too late. I think people vastly underestimate the lead time needed for changes, patches, testing, certification, etc.

Hopefully, they do address it, but don’t expect a quick turn-around.

thats why i want the to hold off on implementing this while the game launch and fix this properly giving it the right amount of time to look as good as it could be for a big of a change like this