3.9 Patch Notes

From the top:

Sensible sadira buffs, as it is there is very little reason to use her damage ender and web damage is definitely too low.

Interesting spinal buffs, I’d like to see a before/after comparison for those hitboxes.

It makes some kind of sense that fulgore got those laser cancels back, laser on its own is worse for pressure now so it’s not as bad for him to get to press his offense more after them.

TJ buff isn’t something I would have thought to change, but it’s true that the move’s current breakable window is pretty massive. Makes sense.

The kan-ra buffs sound familiar…

Cinder changes are good given how much he benefits from the PD system change. Still gonna be very hard to avoid spending a lot of match time with a lot of PD on you.

The aria changes sound ideal, some of the stupider stuff to deal with will be less stupid but the core of what makes her interesting is all still there.

Shago damage buff is definitely deserved. Interestingly, a 20% buff will mean shago’s damage ender will be stronger than jago’s.

Funnily enough, even with the reduced damage rash’s wallsplat ender is still tied with spinal’s for the most damaging in the game. Its damage is pretty comparable to some exchange and launcher enders.

Mira’s changes seem fair to me, LK drill into bats is still going to be very hard to do anything about in neutral.

Glad to see gargos getting a little something back, I thought his changes were too much.

Hopefully that shinsako change is enough to keep the runaway strategy from being too strong.

And finally…loleagle. Good changes overall. The safe shadow counter change stands out to me, I guess they felt that was really too much since his defense is supposed to be bad.