2 kind of be honest

I respectfully disagree. I think RAAM is great in every way (coming from a big Gears fan) except having only one linker kind of sucks, and it can be difficult to get in close to your opponent…

Also, I think having guests in KI is great. I’d love to see even more, personally.

That’s kind of the point. One of RAAM’s major weaknesses is that he is relatively easy to break. His instinct mode remedies this by camouflaging his body, making his offense and his combos harder to predict.

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That may be true but for me personally its disorienting. I couldn’t figure out where I was let alone trying to figure out where RAAM is. I find myself trying to back away and regroup.

I don’t respectfully disagree, I just flat out disagree.

I KEEP reading this unfinished crap. He’s not unfinished. He is a well-realized grappler archetype. I’m sorry he isn’t what you wanted him to be, but that doesn’t mean he’s unfinished. He isn’t another combo-based character that is designed to zone or designed to rushdown. He is DIFFERENT. If you want the same, you have a huge roster of combo based characters that all go about those combos in different ways. Want to be everywhere at once and make people hate you? Shago. Want to rushdown with mixups and stuff? Pick almost every character in the game. Want to zone? Glay, Shago again, or that gargoyle-shaped ball of excrement Gargos. Want to jump around like a lunatic? ■■■■-Gargoyle again or Sadira. Want to set people on fire? We have someone who does that. Want to play a pure grappler… Raam.

He has normals and tools that assist and perpetuate his gameplan of getting in and hurting your body to death with throws and mixups off of and in to, those throws. He does not have zoning tools because he is not a zoner. He does not have combo tools because he is not a combo-based character. He does not make excellent crepes because he is not a french chef. He has good normals that fill various rolls. He has good grabs that, well, grab good and the shadow grab happens BACK IN TIME, it fires off so fast. He can put a DoT on you that bleeds you and leaves him at advantage. His D+HP combos into Angry Birds - Fully Body Edition on a well timed AA, so not only do you stop their offence and damage them, they are now bleeding. He has a normal amount of special moves that work with one another in different and strategic ways (Angry Bird cancelling Giant Pissed Off Guy Charge) for example… he has an average number of normals and command normals. His Instinct is SUPER interesting and absolutely changes the dynamic of a fight when used while also being synergistic with his kit and design philosophy. He is meant to pressure but also to whiff punish. You need to realize this before thinking ‘herpaderp hes unfinished because LINKERS and not one million openers, also because reasons’.

What more do you want for him to be ‘finished’? Should he have all that AND numerous combo opportunities? You heard 'em IG, make Angry Bird a linker that still DoTs, same thing with Giant Pissed Off Guy Charge. Lets go ahead and go REALLY original with his Instinct too and change it so instead of everything it does now, it slightly empowers a normal and or two and maybe a special or two as well. Ohh ohh! I know, he doesn’t have a fireball. So lets give him that… OH ■■■■, I almost forgot, he needs a DP too! Then he will be finished!

@SonicDolphin117 Already said it, but I’ll reiterate, no one would be saying this crap if he released like characters ‘normally’ release. A couple people starting this nonsense and others jumped on the train without taking a moment to think for themselves and realize he is not unfinished. That and they are playing him in the generic KI character mold and getting curb-stomped. I’m getting my ■■■ kicked on Raam too, but that’s because I’m bad, not because I’m trying to shoe-horn him into an archetype he ISNT and screaming UNFINISHED every time I get dunked because I yolo-stabby stabbed in neutral so I could l33t combo, and my opponent - who isnt asleep, noticed as I stood there in the 950 recovery frames it has, so he punched me in the mouth. Or got broken AGAIN because I was trying to chain the 11th stabby-stab linker in a row.

Im sorry if I came across… no… No , I’m not sorry actually. Raam is an interesting design and healthy for the game. Seeing people running to forums to scream ER MER GERD NERF, or ER MER GERD BERF or ER MER GERD WERT??? when a character is 20minutes old is just absurd.



That means it was working

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Eh I think it works TOO well. That’s just how I feel IMO.

Sorry typing on phone meant to say imo not there.

It’s depressing to see the numerous “He’s incomplete” posts for a character who released less than two weeks into the month, considering there’s typically a swarm of “why do we have to wait till the END of the month? so unfair!” posts and threads.

RAAM’s different than the rest of the cast, and requires a different approach. I’m a huge Gears fan, and fairly good at KI, but he’s not a “pick up and go” character for me right out of the gate. I’m slowly learning what to do and not to do with him, and need to remember that I can’t play him like I play my other characters.

As others have said, the IG stream will likely shed more light on his gameplan for those of us who don’t use the lab often.


I’m gonna forgive you for skipping some things because a lot of people seem to need a Tender Moments to figure things out. Just watch Sajam’s breakdown.
His stab is a fullscreen armored command grab which is unique to him, the Kryll are also unique to him and he can dash-cancel in either direction. His OTG is also not like Tusk’s AT ALL, but it seems you’re only comparing visuals. I don’t remember Tusk being able to ground bounce or flipout from his Skewer, he can only end with that.
Besides that, I think IronFlame and NtropicByDesign have made absolutely spot-on points. There’s got to be a way to stop these kinds of threads?

Yeah… nothing Tusk-like about the stomps. Not in animation or function.

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Heh uh again yeah that’s what it’s meant to do. The entire point of his instinct is to disorient you, and drain some health.

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I like him but a my first glance I was comparing to arbiter with that and he seemed to have less but how should I know, I never played gears and that was just my day 1 impression can you also give a link to the video you talked about

Wow didn’t even notice he drains health. OMG he’s OP please nerf!


@NtropicByDesign This post should be pinned for everyone to see XD

By the way, we have another thread title here that is just plain awful. The thread could be about anything. Can the OP or a Mod please straighten this out?

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Yeah sajams breakdown of raam helped my raam game up exponentially, I’ve been stomping, throwing and shanking people online left and right.

Season 3;

-Best graphics
-Best gameplay (100% favorable to rushdown. Some think its not fair, but as im a rushdown player, i love it)
-Worst roster, i liked Kim and Tusk. Period.

You can imagine if Eyedol isnt the final char? I’ll rage. Give 3 slots for a non-ki characters… Pathetic.

Thanks I take back everything I said he I the type of character I always wanted in KI a true grappler. I got one question from thing did he say he can basically fadc right or I was hearing things.

Worst roster? Wow. Mira and Gargos are two of my favorite character designs in the whole game. I enjoy Kim and Tusk, and while Rash and Arbiter are well made, neither style is really something I’m interested in. Still, I think it’s a really good roster, though I also thought the same about seasons 1 and 2.

As for the guest characters, I’m not sure why it’s “pathetic” to try and bring more fans in to the game, especially if the characters are well made. I mean, are you mad that they made it instead of Eyedol? Multiple people that work on or with this game have stated their distaste for that character. You might “rage” if they don’t include him this season, but two things to consider: 1. Maybe they just don’t want to make him, which is there prerogative and 2. Maybe the do want to use him and maybe they want to make him the boss for season 4?

Either way, you’re entitled to your opinion. I also enjoy the graphics, though I’d still love to see Mira and Gargos get their own stages at some point.

As for Raam, I really need to watch some good players use him. Anyone know of any good videos of people showing tech or doing cool stuff with him? I normally love grappler characters, but I haven’t really been able to do much yet in terms of making him someone I really want to use.

Mind you, that’s ON ME. I haven’t spent much time with him yet. I just want to find out more and maybe get better with him and his playstyle, since it’s so different, before I judge. I think he’s intriguing. That’s about all I can say on him at this point, at least from a gameplay perspective.

Otherwise, I like the way he looks, the way he animates, his voice is awesome, the kryll effects, etc. I feel like there could possibly be some cooler stuff happening in his throws, especially since we already have a character that picks the opponent up by their neck, but that’s really the only thing I’m ready to knock him for.

Anyways, here’s hoping we see some awesome tech with him and that he turns out to be a great character! Some people really seem to be enjoying him so far (others, not so much), so rather than call him unfinished at this early point in time, I definitely want to learn more, especially from the group that likes him thus far.