Does this textual stream give off a season 4 vibe to anyone or na ? I can’t really tell to be honest, myself.
I would still love to have a gorgon type character, I may have to reach out to someone who can draw, because I have a character idea but no artistic ability.
I had made a little project for that Euryale
While I’m a bit disappointed not finding any answers related to Ultimates, it’s still pretty darn nice to see them.
Looking forward to more juicy details.
Jago nerfs incoming…
I’m dyiiing!
Though, I did like this tid bit about balancing in general.
Shadow Orchid and Jo Dark in such a high place in the list makes me sad. Shorchid sounds me like the least interesting rework, and JD is ok, but not THAT ok.
I agree. I don’t know what that KI 4 life means. Lets think. As for characters Eagle, shadow Orchid and joanna are very close to happen. Plus someone there are 4. 8 characters is not too far. Ultimates are almost there. Shadow lords will continue for at least a year i believe so i begin hoping again.
They did say Ultimate a lot though…
So we got that going for us… which is nice.
true, but I would just LOVE a solid yes on that.
@developers you are the best. I love you all. We are here. Lets go. S4.
Feeling kind of jaded at this point because as a long-standing member of this community, I have submitted questions to every single 1 of these things and have NEVER had any of them answered!
Regarding the level cap, is it still being tracked transparently by the game? I hit 50 ages ago.
Shadow Orchid was on the top? Come on guys, that was clearly the worst option available. I’m disappointed frankly. Why rehash Orchid with Shadow Jago’s theme when we could get something better? Not only would that be a boring theme to revisit, it would take away from what makes Shadow Jago so cool. We don’t need more shadow characters man, geeze.
That was an extremely positive & uplifting stream about the present and future of KI, and I had a blast reading it. As someone who’s been playing KI since Day 1, it warms my heart to see so much positivity towards the current state of the game, and to what’s next on the horizon… Thanks so much for that!
My two cents on the avalanche of news is as follows:
- I don’t want to follow a positive with a negative, but I guess my tastes are the complete opposite of the general community’s when it comes to the reimagined characters. Alex (Yeah, I remembered his proposed name!) the Sharkman still sounds like the perfect agile and ferocious addition to the KI roster, and even if he ends up losing out to another Orchid or Cinder (meh- I want more monsters!), no one said that Alex couldn’t end up as his own unique character!
Arg- I wish the survey was a little clearer about Alex & Ent Aganos so more people understood what they were voting for, but I’m still holding out hope for Sharkman! #TeamSharkman
Even IF the dropoff was strong, it does make me feel pretty good that the Halo Brute made it as a solid #5. One of the savage ape-like aliens would fit extremely well in the KI universe! I’m looking at you, Artiox!
Glad to see that my fellow community members share my appreciation for new costumes! Off the top of my head, I’m a big fan of the Scientist Sabrewulf, Bear Thunder, & Celestial Gargos sets.
And no, Kan-Ra never did anything wrong.
That Sharkman actually looks really good.
@MasterZenek I can get behind the idea of a sharkman for sure. But why do we need another Halo character?..personally I think it would of been better to have an original ape character.
Sharkman is not a halo character
About Fuglore’s rework…I’m honestly a little scared they’ll up making it better. Honestly, currently it’s a very simple and not all that threatening instinct. And usually with a rework, there’s always good to compensate the bad…
It’s tough to equip the Ryu costume for Jago right now, as much as I would love to make a hard vote for it. Any chance this bug gets fixed in the future?
Joanna Dark was voted most wanted new character for KI