Xbox's big Killer Instinct revival gets a 10th-anniversary stream on November 22, 2023


So the definitive edition upgrades into the anniversary edition, what about those of us who bought all the content as it released and therefore never had to get the definitive edition

Sad to hear we didn’t get full cross play between steam and Xbox… But overall what a great stream and patch notes.

Glacius had some good stuff and obviously they reduced or removed the armor for one of his attacks.

Which is fine sense it means I just cant rely on that attack. So I’ll live.

Riptor I hear remains unchanged so I’m okay.

Though my brother does NOT like the changes to Fulgore, In fact he is very displeased about it.

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+Love the gold & purple KI2 Anniversary aesthetic!
+Riptor & Sabrewulf got through this patch unscathed!
-Mage Eyedol stubbed his toes!
-----Poor, poor Aganos.

Fingers crossed this is the beginning of a brand-new chapter of Killer Instinct fun in the near future!


  • No changes at all to Shadow Jago, yet Jago’s ‘Tiger’s Fury’ got buffed.

That’s interesting.

  • Spinal’s walk speed increase is justifiable to me.

Can’t exactly have the jolliest one of the KI cast to just walk forward slow and walk back even slower.

  • Eyedol… eh, I can deal with it.

I just hope that Microsoft doesn’t drop the ball.


The biggest questions I’m wondering are is the toy skins in the new addition, with the updated UI does the game now have enhanced or 4k support or updated graphics or lighting.

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Here’s hoping.

Seriously, the Spinal speed buff was my favorite positive character change of the update. I think he’ll be MUCH more fun to use with the extra mobility. :skull::+1:t2:



Killer Instinct is going free-to-play on Xbox and Steam (

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Any word if owners of the physical version of Definitive Edition get all the perks advertised?

I ask because it seems to only say “Digital” owners. So for clarification, would be much appreciated!

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Sheesh. Folks are piissed about Fulgore.