Won't let me do combo breaker SOLVED

Thank you. Omg

Addressing the whole ā€œI canā€™t find any matchesā€ aspect of this thread, I personally have had little to no trouble playing the game online with others or finding matches. I am able to find matches online within a minute on average, if not much, much sooner. In the rare instances I canā€™t find a match, I simply do what @Archon879 already suggested and it starts to work like a charm.

Your lack of finding opponents might be due to 1 or more factors:

  • not many players in your region
  • not many players playing PC version
  • Xbox Live players disabling their cross-playablity
  • you have a poor network
  • Xbox Live service issues

ā€¦and this is just off the top of my head.

Once Iā€™m connected, the game runs as smooth as butter or a babyā€™s bottom (your preference). It rarely lags and drops even less (although having a wireless connection increases both of these potential game-breakers).

@galacticGeek I tried it and it works. Seems like exiting the Match Making and restarting it allows you to find a match in seconds. Then when it will not find a match again exiting and restarting till it works then allows it to work for a short while again

I hope this is fixed, btw since doing this works I dont have to interfere with the toredo thingy now right?

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well what can I say I just bought Shadow Jago so now I have the supreme edition plus shadow jago and like 20K KI Gold

I guess I am set for life. I have faith in these guys to fix this game so might aswell support it not like MKXL is ever gonna come to PC so mightaswell spend the full $60 on KI and get shadow

The game is fun, pal.

You just need to chill out a bit around here. The community will help you and the devs are working on stuff. If you have issues, discuss them with respect and you will be heard.

Enjoy your stay!

Thank you.

Guys, i think he might be a troll.

This is his 2nd bad thread, and both of them involve insulting the game without actually trying to find any real answers.

The devs DID talk about these problems, and he is complaining about gameplay issues that are either just not true, or could be solved by a single trip through the dojo.

EDIT: turns out this is actually his 3rd bad thread, and he has been contributing to other bad threads his entire time as a forum member.

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Iā€™m inclined to disagree since he does eventually listen to reason after several posts of complaining. I think itā€™s more of thatā€™s just the way he is.

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I donā€™t know what to think really.

Then maybe he just has the worst manners ever, and has not read the community guidelines.

@KingHadu You really need to be more polite and take more time looking for answers before you create a thread. A lot of your issues have already been solved in other threads, and using the ā€œsearch toolā€ at the top right of the ā€œcategoriesā€ page can really help you out.

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Thank you.

thanks will note


Iā€™m inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, because if we canā€™t or are not willing to do that, then how does that make us any better than what many of us thought he was?

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