Will S3 be Enough? Or Will People Quit Again

“People” is very generalized. I can say the same about Football or even go on a broader scale like being a gamer. As in, people don’t see hobbies as a good time investment as they are focused on working and securing their financial status.

To put it bluntly, your point is rather unintuitive. Maybe if you could elaborate what the point may be or provide more information behind your claim. As it is though, its just an empty claim. Rightly so, the photo provided in the reply sums up the entirety of the community’s reaction.

No kidding, I mean PC is huge for gamers. I would almost consider it an X factor in KI. The obvious would be that a lot of gamers never wanted to own an Xbox One and with good reasons. KI alone wasn’t a reason to invest $400-500. Now that it will see a release in PC, I have no doubt it will bring a lot of attention. I just worry that its age doesn’t drive people off with SF5 coming soon.

MK, through a bigger popularity pool, beats KI hands down. There is no arguing that MK just sold better. Taking that into account seeing MK not do well on PC, on Steam, to the point where the next Kombat Pack isn’t even coming to it just shows that KI will do slightly worse due to a smaller popularity and pool of users who will own Windows 10 and browse the Windows store for it.

just wait and see, speculation can only go so far. im confident our player base is going to grow however, alot of players want to play but dont want to shell out money for an x1. they already have gaming PCs. the base will grow, what this means for the offline tournament scene hasnt been seen just yet. in time we’ll have answers to the questions posed on this thread

In many ways, I think KI looks better than SFV, actually. Not all ways, but many ways. And the PC version will be Season 3 from the start (i.e., likely a very different game from S2), so I don’t think its age (both graphically and gameplay-wise) will hurt it much either, since it will be basically brand new to everybody.

The timing of its release compared to SFV is unfortunate, though. But I imagine not everybody will be grabbed by SFV, and if KI S3 is good enough, some people might just get hooked and play both games.

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What are you talking about?

MK sold well on PC, and people are still playing it today. All the problems with MK on PC had to do with quality of the port.

Trying to say KI on PC will fail due to what happened with MK is just ignorant. Bottom line is that these things are dictated by planning and expectation. KI can do well on PC no problem if it is handled right.

Yet the won’t release the next Kombat Pack on PC. That’s a dead giveaway that the game isn’t doing as well as most people think. If KI stopped getting new seasons/content do you honestly think that would be a good thing? I mean look at the title of this thread, will S3 be enough, even the know more content keeps this game afloat. MKX just stopped supporting the PC community and if it were really doing well then they would have invested more and fixed it and like I said, the fact that KI is a smaller game, and on W10 store, will obviously make it so it doesn’t do as well as MKX.

That last part is not arguable, at most KI on PC will attract hardcore fighting game fans but not new non fighting game people or curious players. People thinking the PC port will be a huge boost will be sorely disappointed is all am saying, especially those who think it will help get a ton of people into tournaments.

The one thing you need to realize is that NRS NEVER worked on the PC version of the game.

The PC version of MKX was farmed out to another Dev and they FOLLOWED SUIT on what NRS did FIRST on the X1 and PS4. WB / NRS announcing a beta on the consoles is pretty much par for the course on how they have been doing things, as again, the PS4 and X1 versions are the primary versions. Now whether or not a PC port of KP2 and the upgraded netkode is coming is still up in the air, but it would be considered “reaching” for you to conclude that they haven’t said anything because “it didn’t sell well.”

Also remember that ALL the patches and whatnot came WEEKS after the console versions were sent out due to NRS creating the patch and disseminating it, and the PC Devs having to port that code in the days / weeks after NRS created it. Most likely what is going to happen is that a PC port of they changes done in KP2 will be coming some time in the future…but I’m no fortune teller, so I still could be wrong.

One more thing, the PC version of the game was a primary component of the ESL tourney seasons both 1 and 2 in the CIS region. Them throwing out the PC version would be them throwing out all the Russian players, and players from other regions outside of the US who bought the game on PC in order to compete in ESL. Business logic states that they wouldn’t burn those bridges.

There are plenty of casual FG fans who don’t own either console. Saying that “only” hardcore FG fans will play on PC is pretty ignorant.

Who knows how many people will gravitate to KI through the PC port, but creating the port, and giving people the option to play, can, and will, only serve to grow the community…no matter how much that is.

Growth is growth; why are you being a nay-say-er just to seemingly try and downplay the future?

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Well…I was wrong…looks like WB and NRS are writing off the MK base on PC. Really sucks if you bought that product…

From Tylerlansdown over on TYM:

"Mortal Kombat XL and Kombat Pack 2 will [be] available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One only. "

Really sucks for people on the PC side of things…

Yeah, saw it earlier today. Looks like the PC version of MKX-XL is dead. On the other hand the stage fatality looks sick.

Yep. All MKX people will now join us KI people.



Have some faith, man. MKX PC sucked because they outsourced it, this port is being made in-house. And with the exception of Batman: AK, IGS has a lot of positive experience porting games.

The main difference is that I think IG knows the value of the PC port to the success of their game. It will be the primary outlet for trying the game moving forward, as the Xbox One falls further and further out of favor with FGC fans. I imagine they are going to make sure it is just as good, if not better, than the console version in terms of performance and features. They are also doing it in house, for a game they control the complete codebase for (not some outsourced project written by another studio). This is a really big factor in making the PC version good.

For the MKX guys, a lot of this just isn’t true, so they kind of just pushed the PC port aside. I think it does a lot of damage to their reputation as a studio but because they’re on BOTH the PS4 and XB1, I think they can probably get away with it for now (at least, as far as MKX’s visibility in the tournament scene is concerned).

Basically, I’m pretty sure the PC port of KI will not be a disaster.

Got the Pitchforks ready, just in case…

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lol. I’m not in the pitchfork crowd, but I understand…

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I’ll get the marshmallows… in case we change our minds.


I’ll bring some controllers :slightly_smiling:


While we’re at it I’ll get some hamburgers and hotdogs goin’. Maybe throw some shrimp on the Barbie for funzies


lets tell scary stories lol

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T’was the night before KI dropped, and all through the forum…

Not a PC was steaming, not even the…uh…I got nothing…



it was a dark and stormy night, the NRS devs took over KI and made it an MKX clone! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

edit: complete with the bad netcode