Why am I so garbage at playing arbiter

Sure that works :thumbsup: should be free that time.

I’m more or less brand new to this game. Played a bunch offline and just now getting into ranked. Needless to say I am doing extremely badly. I love how Arbiter plays and want to learn how to use him. Not sure what the plans are for me tonight but I could be up late playing this and practicing.

Well you be on at 11?

I’m still trying to get used to him myself. I still need practice though.


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I’m ready to go guys. If you want to play send an invite.

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Won’t let me find you is there any spaces in your gt

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In ready hold on.

I can’t find you.

My GT is RGL Official.

Damn just got off :frowning: I have to get up early tomorrow. I’ll have to catch you guys later.

Does everyone else’s moves have priority over arbys? When I’m playing it seems their moves connects even tho I attacked first. He’s an awesome character but needs a bit of tuning. ( by which I mean I have to get good)

Yes. Arby’s is better mid screen or farther. Anything else you will get beat out. Unless you use jab. I think it’s LP.

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Yeah I went into lab and started with mid screen manoeuvres. Came away reasonably surprised.

Even his jab gets beat by stuff it seems

Yeah I found out the hard way with some characters LP doesn’t work. :-/ Looking at you Sadira. So with them I’ve used the energy shield.

Yeah it does work wonders when rash comes in with the wrecking ball though of you block it mash jab and you can get him

Yeap! Sometimes depending on how far away I am I like to shot him out of it. And do prophets bane. :imp: